I'm having an issue with my MiniDsp Flex RCA and noise from the connected PC when using my Graaf integrated 25 valve amp. I also have a couple of Fosi V3 Mono's which I alternate with the Graaf and they are OK, although it seems (from what I've read) valve amps can be more susceptible to PC noise due to higher impedances? This has never been an issue with the Graaf at any time in the past. I mainly use the Graaf, but after a spell with the Fosi's returning to the Graaf was the first time I noticed the noise. The MiniDsp can even be off, but still connected in circuit and the noise remains.
I tried a few tests:-
Is there anything I could be doing wrong, anything else simple I have missed or any ideas why this is happening?
I tried a few tests:-
- Tried different USB cables/ports between PC and MiniDsp.
- Use Different wall sockets.
- Moved things around, tidy cables etc.
- Removed all other cables (Sub and RCA) from the MiniDsp apart from the USB in and the RCA out.
Is there anything I could be doing wrong, anything else simple I have missed or any ideas why this is happening?