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Parks Audio Waxwing measurements


Addicted to Fun and Learning
May 31, 2020
ACT, Australia
I just picked up one of the Parks Audio Waxwing "digital" phono stages. The new model that replaces the Puffin that @amirm already measured.

There are threads about this product already, so I won't go into a lengthy introduction.

My use case is to use the ADC part only, to then run optical into my AMP (NAD C3050). The amp has it's own mm only digital phono stage, but not the flexibility the Waxwing should offer.

I measured it using my RME ADI-2 PRO and @pkane 's wondeful Multitone software. Toslink out of the Waxwing using 96kHz sample rate.

In it's natural environment:

THD IN MM (40dB gain) MODE
Waxwing 5mV 40dB THD.png

similar to Amir's measurement of the Puffin optical out (well, the THD component). Despite no attention to grounding, noise with the RME as a source is OK.

With a mm cart as a source with no signal (VM95ml) the noise is:
Waxwing  noise w VM95 cart 40dB gain 20 Hz HP.png

Noise does improve if you filter out the HF with the app (sorry about the different frequency scale:
Waxwing  mm vm95ml noise 20-30kHz.png

While we are here, THD and noise measurements in MC (60dB, 200 ohms) mode (20 Hz HP, 30kHz LP here):

Waxwing  mc 60dB THD 0.5 mV.png

Strangely, the front end really likes actual MC carts w.r.t. noise, below with an AT OC9XEN. 81dB, cw 66dB mm, wrt full scale)
Waxwing  mc OC9XEN noise 20-30 KHz.png

As per the Puffin, frequency response is perfect within the audio band:

waxwing mm FR 5 Hz HP.png

This is with the 5 Hz HP filter. with the 20, and 30 kHz LP (20kHz does rolloff the top end a bit):

Waxwing  mm FR 20 HP 30 kHz LP.png

Overload of the ADC may be slightly better than the Puffin, I got ~27mV in mm mode at 1 kHz, with slightly better values at 5 and 10 kHz (not shown):
THD vs level 1kHz lift at 27mV in.png

No need to show MC, effectively the same but reduced by 20dB so ~2.7mV at 1 kHz.

THE VARIOUS DSP FUNCTIONS THAT AFFECT FREQUENCY (all with 5 Hz HP, 48 kHz LP, so ignore the very bottom)
Waxwing warmth +3.png

Waxwing air +3.png

Waxwing air -3.png

Waxwing treble +3.png

Waxwing bass +3.png

Waxwing bass boost.png

Waxwing bass boost 20 Hz HP.png

The bass boost should give a bit of punch. I didn't test the PEQ but I imagine, together with AIR, could flatten any cart's HF response with effort.

In using the Waxwing I would keep an eye on both ADC and DAC level monitors in the app. Certainly the RME input monitoring aligned with the DAC levels. I think this makes sense as I assume phono EQ and DSP are all post the ADC. While if you consider it a "normal" phono amp the headroom looks poor, you can reduce the gain any amount you want to give ADC/dig out headroom. I run it into the RME then onto the NAD, both of which I can monitor levels, so I am doing that 3 times!

I think the 15 or 20 Hz HP and 30kHz LP filters are a good compromise to use with it.


  • waxwing mm FR 5 Hz HP.png
    waxwing mm FR 5 Hz HP.png
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  • waxwing mm noise.png
    waxwing mm noise.png
    43.3 KB · Views: 171
  • waxwing FR 5 Hz HP.png
    waxwing FR 5 Hz HP.png
    26.1 KB · Views: 478
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Thanks for the measuremnets.

Presumably you are outputting 5mV from the RME. Do you know the THD/Noise content of the signal out of the RME when outputting at that level?
A wonderful device that knocks out everything else on the market. The Waxwing in the Vinyl worlds is the same as Trinnov is in the room-correction world, but at an affordable price. I love my Puffin,( and have Trinnov too, connect the Toslink from Puffin to Trinnov Amethyst allow me to do room correction on Vinyl in minimum of conversions)...
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Thanks for the measuremnets.

Presumably you are outputting 5mV from the RME. Do you know the THD/Noise content of the signal out of the RME when outputting at that level?
No. 5mV is -47.8dBFS with the+4dBu RME output level. Not sure easy to measure the sinad of it at this level with what I have. Perhaps cosmos adc with scaler?(Not that I have the scaler)
If it is the case that a 48dB SNR is "good" (see first pic in review), that really helps me keep a proper perspective on my own setup. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If it is the case that a 48dB SNR is "good" (see first pic in review), that really helps me keep a proper perspective on my own setup. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You have to look at the curve too 48db at 10hz....not really the number to look at. That is an artifact of any RIAA... look at the bottom at the signal/ audible range.
My Puffin reads -86db noise level relative to 2.11 Volt out with cartridge lifted off record. THAT is the background noise, actually dead silent with my ear 1" from the speaker cone at high listening level. That is with MC at 61db gain...


see also Amirms Puffin data, nothing near 48db there. Remember Vinyl groove noise is at best -60db and and worse at low frequency due to rumble of turntable
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For five hundred dollars you get a lot to like. Much flexibility. Several monophonic options along with balance and individual channel selection to enhance a wide variety of LPs, both 'modern' and legacy. Many gain settings, which always comes in handy for those with multiple cartridges-- for instance, some 'high output' MC are still rather low for standard MM inputs, and switching to fixed single-gain MC options runs the risk of too much gain.

I haven't followed the current phono step up scene that closely, but this device appears to represent good value, and certainly is about as adaptable to your needs as could be likely desired.
In using the Waxwing I would keep an eye on both ADC and DAC level monitors in the app. Certainly the RME input monitoring aligned with the DAC levels. I think this makes sense as I assume phono EQ and DSP are all post the ADC. While if you consider it a "normal" phono amp the headroom looks poor, you can reduce the gain any amount you want to give ADC/dig out headroom. I run it into the RME then onto the NAD, both of which I can monitor levels, so I am doing that 3 times!

How fast is the overload recovery? Overhead isn't the only way to skin the "don't do bad things if there's a loud pop" cat.
I haven't followed the current phono step up scene that closely, but this device appears to represent good value, and certainly is about as adaptable to your needs as could be likely desired.

I'd love to play with one, but both of my ADCs will output analog and digital at the same time, which means I have one connected to my miniDSP->power amp and the other to my computer. That means I can hear audio out of my speakers when I capture vinyl. So if I was going to ask for a single upgrade, simultaneous output would be it,.
The wonderful hi-fi product price to performance bonanza we have in the digital age never ceases to amaze me. Unless you are the most ardent of analog zealots, there is no reason not to buy this product.

I have a Sony TT with a good built-in ADC and digital out, but that is just for digitally recording on a computer. It has its own built in analog phono preamp, which is OK. But of course the requires an analog input into one's pre-amp, amp or DAC used as preamp. Not too many of today's good DACs or streamers have analog in, so the WaxWing is on my short list.
Genuinely very happy with my Waxwing. Even used it to digitize stuff (using the minidsp flex that it's connected to, doing it digitally is prolly better but i just wanted to try doing it via the flex). Haven't had any issues - haven't even had to unplug-replug it ever since day 1.
Genuinely very happy with my Waxwing. Even used it to digitize stuff (using the minidsp flex that it's connected to, doing it digitally is prolly better but i just wanted to try doing it via the flex). Haven't had any issues - haven't even had to unplug-replug it ever since day 1.
I've digitised using the flex - but with the toslink connection from the waxwing to the flex (So just using the flex as a digital input to the MacBook)

Saves a DAC/ADC conversion pair.
Hello All,

Keep it analog.

I went on ebay and purchased a Audiowind A400 assembled PCB for about $40.

Just for fun I put together a perf board with the 7815 and 7915 15 +/- regulator power supply as used on the Pearl 3 PCB's. Turns out that the Bugle Pre-amp uses Op-Amps without other noise sources like JFETS. Pluss the Op-Amps all on their own have high power supply noise rejection.

Since the early days Op-Amps have come a long way, they have low noise and distortion below the ability of the current crop of audio analyzers ability to measure without special tricks.

I replaced the Op-Amps that came with the Bugle clone with OPA1656's on BrownDog SOIC-8 DIP Adaptors.

With 5mVrms input the voltage output is 0.494Vrms.

The gain is 39.9dB

The THD+N is 0.036%

the SINAD is 68.3dB

There are no distortion peaks above the noise floor.

There are no power supply Harmonics above the noise floor.

At 40dB gain this RIAA Pre-Amp measures as good as any.

This Bugle clone sounds awesome. At 40dB gain there is plenty of headroom and there is no need to burn a lot of gain in the the volume control.

See the attached plots.

Thanks DT

A 400 Amplitude Spectral Density.pngA 400 FFT Spectrum.PNGA 400Scope.PNG
For various reasons I have held onto my Puffin instead of buying the new Waxwing. I don't really care about being able to run it with an app. I prefer coax out to toslink. As far as I know the basic guts of the device haven't changed. Since I like it like it is it doesn't matter to me that there won't be updates to the software. I do like the look of the Waxwing, but I also like the funky boxy look of the Puffin. I must be getting old not to jump on the latest and greatest! Anyway, I love my Puffin, and I'm sure I'd like the Waxwing just fine. Thanks for putting it through its paces.
Hello All,

Keep it analog.

And more to the point - what has this post got to do with the topic of this thread? Which is the Waxwing and its measurements. If you want to talk about the measurements of your Audiowind, it would be appropriate to start a separate thread.
For various reasons I have held onto my Puffin instead of buying the new Waxwing. I don't really care about being able to run it with an app.
That’s really the weakest point about the Waxwing. The iOS app is functional, but it breaks a few iOS interface conventions and is one of the uglier iOS apps out there.

You and I had a exchange about the Waxwing and BT in another thread, I have a few question

1 - no computer, can the waxwing be powered by a phone charger (usb) ?

2 - can it be used as a basic phono preamp, analog in and out ? Would anything be gained by coming out digital into my Benchmark DAC or too many changes

3 - once set up can the BT control be need constantly, if setting are already set?

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