Gene thought Denon uses E-I likely because of the layout that would make it difficult to fit a toroid that provides the same VA rating. I have quite a few power amps, the cheapest ones (not including my class D amps) happen to have toroids. My vintage Marantz power amp has EI. I can't imagine Denon picked an E-I for the A1H, A110 and 8500 just to save a few dollars, but it is of course possible.
Here's one example of why toroid is not used, and not because of cost:
It's another $6,000 Denon flagship amp, a 50 W, 8 ohm, 100 W, 4 ohm, 2 channel stereo analog only integrated amp:
Hard to tell it is E-I, R-core, but it's unlikely a toroid, externally it obvious look like an ovoid lol..