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OK, what are you guys buying yourselves for Christmas?

The new camera, (FWIW), is Fujifilm X-T30 II; it's got a APS-C 26 megapixel BSI-CMOS sensor. The old one is a Fujifilm X-T10, simply a older version but with "only" a 16 megapixel sensor.
The change from 16 to 26 Megapixel is not that big you might think. It's less than 30% increase per dimension. If you don't need these 30% and the resolution is the only reason to get a new cam you may think again.
Not sure yet, but I know for sure what I won’t go for:

Another ‘avoid Xmas trip’.
Couple of years ago we thought Istanbul is a) a hell of a metropole and b) - this is where it went south - a Muslim stronghold and we’d be without the usual craziness.
Man, were we wrong. It was Xmas on speed. Great city nevertheless ;)
I'm getting myself a Buckeye 6 channel and a miniDSP Flex HT My fun holiday project is to setup 5.1 with LPCM and hopefully sell my Denon AVR.
I am just an elementary player. I love Sor’s and Tarraga’s works.

BTW, is it possible to send the guitar to Amirm for testing? :p Frequency response, projection ….. :p:p
We do that ourselves. There was a thread about it.

I am honestly thinking about a white fluffy carpet for my living room. I got one for my sleeping room 5 years ago and it's still the coziest room by far since then. Also, I have black flooring, so putting a white rug above might make the room brighter - and help a little with the reverb!
I have a 4 channel Bryston 9B3 on order so I can finally move to a double hybrid system.
Double hybrid as in active filtering between bass and mid/high, and passive between mid and high, and open baffle mid/high and closed bass.
I might trade up my Fyne F502SP to a pair of F703 in walnut - looking at a good Black Friday offer and trade-in value from the local dealer in Oslo. Working on convincing the better half, who is not thrilled by larger speakers…
I upgraded to the new Kindle Paperwhite Signature edition. Better performance and screen than the older one I had. Also got 5 more music CDs today.

As far as audio gear, I can't think of anything I need. I kind of want the Fosi ZD3 dac, but I don't need it and have no place where it would be useful. No point using it as a dac for the Wiim Ultra or the DMP-A6.
What's your overall impression so far? To date, I have only seen a couple of BYDs in the USA.
I like a lot the car. It’s a PHEV with a good electric range (110km), fuel consumption is very good. Good set of ADAS and very comfort oriented experience. It has an SD card slot, so my music collection is there.
Schiit Loki+

I was strongly considering the previously mentioned Henry lever action 22 rifle, but ended up ordering a Headrush Core guitar and vocal processor.

The more I thought about it the guitar processor made more sense from a “getting used” point of view. I just don’t have the spare time to go to the range and plink some targets. It’s bad enough that I love to shoot skeet, but am averaging 1 trip to the range per year. Maybe when I retire in a few years…..
This year I finally treated myself to a Humminguru, and since my phono cartridge is due for replacement I also got an AT33PTG/II.
Vector Network Analyser (Nano VNA V2 Plus4 Pro):

Spectrum Analyser (TinySA Ultra):

.... will be replacing and extending the capabilities of my vintage Wandel&Goltermann SNA-2 (which still is good for some things).

Besides that, a couple of new dresses and boots.
I guess my Christmas present already came earlier last month:


Heco Aurora 700. I don't have money in abundance, and never owned floorstanders, so I guess these for 600 euromoneys the pair (bargain!) in my favourite colour do count as a treat. Look at this:


That's exactly what they sound like. For this price? Highly recommended. I'm having a lot of fun with these. Parents asked what I want for Christmas, and it'll be a set of locking banana plugs, just for looks and convenience. Dad is an electronics engineer and old professional audiohead, so he'll get me something nice. Bare wire is electrically perfect as far as I'm concerned, but why not make it one better. :D
I might trade up my Fyne F502SP to a pair of F703 in walnut - looking at a good Black Friday offer and trade-in value from the local dealer in Oslo. Working on convincing the better half, who is not thrilled by larger speakers…

It’s done - I pulled the trigger! Christmas is coming early this year, as a pair of F703 in walnut will start their merry journey from Scotland tomorrow and join me already next week. Oh joy!
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