Sad that you have to fix it hough, especially when they have a cheaper cart (VM95ML), same stylus, that does not have this problem.
The only cartridge that I know of that has a truly flat F/R and is in current production is the Dynavector Karat.
It achieves this by having the cantilever resonance at around 50kHz - leaving the audible spectrum ruler flat.
Every MM's performance is a sum of a non flat cantilever response and a non flat electrical response.... getting the two to match perfectly to provide a truly flat F/R is as much black art as it is science.... in most cases the best you can achieve is a compromise.
At the peak of vinyl technology, a number of manufacturers managed to get their effective tip masses low enough to push the cantilever resonance out beyond 50kHz - Technics even managed to get it to 100kHz - once you achieve that, then getting a flat f/r is quite viable.
The very very well regarded Shure V15VMR, although an excellent cartridge, has a cantilever resonance at around 32kHz - the flat F/R is achieved through judicious balancing of electrical load. Yep if your R and C aren't spot on - neither will the f/r be! - and by the way, Shures specs provide a "range" for both loadings and not a specific value - so most setups don't achieve a flat f/r - even with one of the most Neutral cartridges available.
Most MC's are worse - a lot worse - because the cantilever response is exposed without any substantive EQ... and 99% of todays MC's have a cantilever resonance WITHIN THE AUDIBLE RANGE !!
To get the cantilever resonance outside the audible range (and WELL outside it) you need to either have a very very short cantilever (like the Kara) - or the cantilever needs to be an exotic ultra light material in tube form... either way the objective is to get the effective tip mass down to vanishingly low levels.
Current Boron/Ruby/Sapphire cantilevers are all rods rather than tubes, and that structure will at best get tip mass that matches the best of aluminium tubes ... with resonance around 19kHz - many such efforts have their resonances in the 14kHz to 16kHz range.
I can take any halfway decent cartridge/stylus and work through the process of tuning the EQ, thereby resulting in a flat (ish) frequency response- if you have a flat f/r without doing this - congratulations you hit the cartridge/stylus lottery jackpot.
Also keep in mind there is substantial variation in effective mass (and therefore resonant frequency) within styli of the same brand and model - I have 2 Jico SAS styli purchased only a few months appart, of identical spec, one measuring a disapointing 14kHz resf, and the other 16khz resf - both disapointing really, as I was hoping for something to match the golden age performance of the V15VMR.
But that is why I consider your claim that the VM95ML f/r is a "fixed problem" somewhat ridiculous.... which is not to say that you sample in your setup has coincidentally ended up with a flat f/r .... it is perfectly possible - after all people win the lottery every day!