...incorrect results or when we don't have correct inputs, we discard them.[mathematical models]
You certainly didn't provide any evidence that Maty's model produced incorrect results.
Nor evidence of incorrect inputs.
Just made some dismissive statement that he wrote "If" and had assumptions and calculations.
Shock Horror.
So it looks like you want to discard mathematical models for other reasons.
Rather than discard models and end up in a world of "We don't have a model so my preconceived idea is as valid as any" the sensible approach would be to fix them when they produce incorrect results and enter the correct inputs.
All models are incorrect of course, merely a question of how much.
Many are sufficiently correct to be useful.
Which ones inspired your comment that we should discard them?
Here's an example of a simple and crucial data input...we do not know what percent...are or were infected...
Same as every other disease...ever - we always only know detected cases.
@PierreV posted an informative link on how this is dealt with by statisticians.
And the continual substitution of "detections" for "cases" is fantastically dishonest.
"fantastically dishonest" is more than a bit hyped. Since we only ever
do know "detected cases" it's merely convenient shorthand to say "cases".
I would say a detected infection is a "case", an undetected infection is just an "infection" no case has been raised.
But I wouldn't quibble about it.
Oh, for some real experts on the topic.
Experts are kind of busy at the moment, but on this forum
@CtheArgie and
@PierreV know their stuff.
Hong Kong
5th day
0 new cases.
Excellent news about HK.
In my home, the Capital Territory (like District of Columbia in the US) no new cases reported for days either.
Even better - no known cases
at all. The last case has left hospital, and now no one in quarantine.
Thousands of tests done with no positives.
No evidence of undetected carriers.
We continue to mop up clusters in some states, others have no new cases reported for days.
It looks like we can win this war to extermination.
Best wishes