You dont need "extension" from satelites, when You have subwoofer. ... and GLM is great tool, for sub+satellites calibration.and almost another octave of LF extension
You dont need "extension" from satelites, when You have subwoofer. ... and GLM is great tool, for sub+satellites calibration.and almost another octave of LF extension
1236A are about 10x the price of 8361A, at least in Canada…Without having heard both, I'd still put money on this being the case. The Ones are great, but a considerably larger speaker will be cruising while the Ones are in hard limit.
The 1236A claims 12dB more output and almost another octave of LF extension compared to the 8361A. When push comes to shove, that difference will not be subtle.
I would still choose 8361 if I had to use them near or midfield, 1236A are equivalent of considering 18 wheeler as a alternative to SUV, while the situation asks for a compact car1236A are about 10x the price of 8361A, at least in Canada…
I wanted the Mains for their presumed better sound quality, not SPL. I should be fine with the SPL capabilities of The Ones.I don't get it. The OP cannot use the Mains due to their room's size, but still needs Mains' SPL in this limited space? Something does not add up here.
I don't think they will sound as good or better thab the Ones if they're not flush mountedI wanted the Mains for their presumed better sound quality, not SPL. I should be fine with the SPL capabilities of The Ones.
I assume you are referring to the 8361A? Have you listened to any other models from The Ones line? If yes, did they also sound "big" and go loud?I actually was shocked about their SPL when I audionted them in an open space in a store
They also sounded very big
If that makes sense
The measurements here and at Erin's show that there is nothing left to be desired sound quality-wise of The Ones, especially with GLM calibration.I wanted the Mains for their presumed better sound quality, not SPL. I should be fine with the SPL capabilities of The Ones.
The 1236 is certainly not the choice I'd make to compare to an 8361... The 1237A is roughly the equivalent.1236A are about 10x the price of 8361A, at least in Canada…
I did but don't remember which models they were and it was only for a few seconds as I didn't feel the need to listen to anything else after the 8361I assume you are referring to the 8361A? Have you listened to any other models from The Ones line? If yes, did they also sound "big" and go loud?
There is something about having such a view and ruining it with a TV....I can't quite describe it.Wishful thinking but I might be a buyer if they put a little more effort into this form factor for their consumer market. These are a tough sell to me at almost 7k per pair, maybe a coxial version at a slightly higher price or bring down the price a bit. I really like the form factor of these, but any sleek floor stander I think would have some market if a bit more sensibly priced.
Depends on your preferences and experiences, I suppose. Some people claim to aim for "real, live" SPLs. In that case, 101.5dB is barely getting started.What do you need all those decibels in your house for?
I measured 101.5 dB at my house 6 meters from a pair of Adam S3X-Vs.
Obviously no one listens to music at that level…
If you want a lot of SPL...
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You'd likely sit further away, so it will perhaps all end up about the same.and 5dB more of self noise than 8361? No, thanks...
I am aware of that, but this thread is about the Ones which are a nearfield monitors, moving away would also reduce the 8361 noise so proportionally it's still 5dB louder and 8361 isn't that quiet to begin with. Even if, moving away from 1238 so far that +5dB noise is equal would force them to play louder, so I'm not sure there would be any more headroom gained, not in the bank account for sure!You'd likely sit further away, so it will perhaps all end up about the same.