That throws a bit of a spanner in the works in terms of reliability due to pad wear when viewed without further qualification, because every single one of my measurements I've shown on here for all my HD560s have been with new fresh pads (apart from my Unit 1 Old Version, but I've measured x5 units of HD560s so I suppose I can be forgiven). I could remeasure my used HD560s to see how much they've changed, albeit I've been wearing my K702 / HD560s / HD800 about equally recently so it's hard to determine how many hours placed on each one. It's just over half a year ago I bought my latest HD560s, and essentially that's the one that I've been using (rather than my other Old Version HD560s). Do you know how old or how many hours listening your various measured HD560s have experienced?All used.
Just for brevity here is the unit to unit variation of my Old Version HD560s, x3 units - you almost can't see that there's 3 seperate lines, lol - the matching from 20Hz all the way to 20kHz is just insane between those 3 units:
and unit to unit variation of the x2 New Version HD560s I've measured (which I showed earlier, but why not have it all in one post):
For me it's been crazy how good the unit to unit variation has been between the various x5 units of HD560s I've measured, albeit of course I've seperated New Version from Old Version because there's a major trend variation between the two versions. But either way, the grouping is very close when viewing the two groups seperately, and indeed the biggest outlier is my Unit #1 Old Version which is the only unit I measured which had used pads (go figure), albeit it wasn't miles away (it's the red line in the first graph). So you can see why I'm sceptical about unit to unit variation claims with the HD560s . Particularly with the Old Version HD560s I bought those 3 units over the space of like two years & from different retailers. (EDIT: but it would be silly of me to think the HD560s is totally immune to unit to unit variation). The two New Version units were bought almost back to back from Amazon, and channel balance issues for one of those drivers in one unit so even my data is showing slightly less reliability perhaps in New Version, but it averaged out in the above graph nicely (when averaging left & right channels which is what all these graphs are).
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