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New Sennheiser HD490 Pro

The clamping force of the HD490 Pro is pleasantly low (2-2.5N measured) and distributed over a larger surface area than HD560S pads so hardly compresses.

People complaining about ears touching the dust screen should look into HD800S (in Sennheiser stable). The HD560S has firmer foam but more clamping force but is 2mm 'deeper' on the rear side but has this weird triangle (for the yoke) some complain about. Of course that 2mm can make the difference.
Clamping force and comfort of the HD490 Pro is much higher than HD560S (at least to me).
Do you want to say that it’s not a matter of pressure, but of depth? Well, can the pressure be adjusted? Or not either?
The HD560S has all plastic parts that might need some careful 'softening' before bending (strategically applying the right amount of heat while not melting it).
The firm foam and smaller contact area of the HD560S pads might lead to leakage a bit sooner when clamping force is reduced (facial contours)
The HD490 did not need to have the pressure lowered IMO but you could bend the metal parts a bit easier.
In the HD6** series it is easier to lower the clamping force by bending the metal extension parts.
The HD560S has all plastic parts that might need some careful 'softening' before bending (strategically applying the right amount of heat while not melting it).
The firm foam and smaller contact area of the HD560S pads might lead to leakage a bit sooner when clamping force is reduced (facial contours)
The HD490 did not need to have the pressure lowered IMO but you could bend the metal parts a bit easier.
In the HD6** series it is easier to lower the clamping force by bending the metal extension parts.
Sorry for the indiscreet question. Have your ears touched the letters?
Mine did not but protrude only 19mm so I am 'safe' for most headphones.
This, of course, differs from person to person.
The AA Hi-X60, for instance, is 28mm deep, HD800 = 30mm but there are many models with depths smaller than 18mm around.

This is one of the aspects reviews usually say nothing about but for people that hate it when their pinnae are touched it is just as important as the sound quality.
The HD560S has all plastic parts that might need some careful 'softening' before bending (strategically applying the right amount of heat while not melting it).
The firm foam and smaller contact area of the HD560S pads might lead to leakage a bit sooner when clamping force is reduced (facial contours)
Yes, there was such an idea) Take them apart and heat them in hot water, the desired fragment of the headband, then bend them)
Or heat it with a hairdryer.

It seems they are figuring it out ((But to be honest, it’s scary to figure it out)

As I understand it, the upper part is the most flexible, at the bottom there is a removable part to which the paralon is glued, and along the edges at the bottom there are size-holding mechanisms.
So when you stretch the headphones, it’s the lower part that doesn’t allow them to stretch..

Maybe somewhere on the Internet there is information about disassembling such a headband? I did not find.
Mine did not but protrude only 19mm so I am 'safe' for most headphones.
This, of course, differs from person to person.
The AA Hi-X60, for instance, is 28mm deep, HD800 = 30mm but there are many models with depths smaller than 18mm around.

This is one of the aspects reviews usually say nothing about but for people that hate it when their pinnae are touched it is just as important as the sound quality.
PS after your recommendations, I have long had a desire to try the AA HI-X60. The 320 grams are intimidating and the middle seems to be a little thin, I’m already used to 840A and after such a middle, it’s difficult to agree to less)
It's a pity that there aren't many tests of 440A, I think this is also an interesting option.
After reading the Internet, it seems that many people prefer 600/650/560, but not 490. And they cost 400 euros, these seem to be controversial headphones. Maybe I'll try the 490 soon, but somehow I expected more. At least it was possible not to sculpt letters inside the cups, and not to make rotating cups...
The rotating cups make sense for studio usage. Also the possibility to plug in on the left and right side is handy as well as the washable pads.
The comfort was great. For me it made no sense to keep it.
A: the price (I'll wait for 2nd hand to pop up in a year or so)
B: it isn't as good as the HD660S2 which I have but rarely use

With producer pads it is too warm/mushy, with mixer pads it was a bit too bright. HD560S is smack in the middle. HD660S2 is a bit more refined/hifi.

One needs to realize the HD490 is not intended to be a hifi headphone.
I think most hifi reviewers do not realize this.
Pro reviewers are a bit more positive in general.
It is intended to be a studio tool, for that it is practical and well suited and includes a DAW insert specifically, and only, for the HD490PRO.
I am interested in the HD560S sound signature, but with higher build quality/comfort. I am looking to test the HD490 Pro vs. HIFIMAN Sundara vs. HD660S2. Does that comparison make sense? Or should I pick a different model to compare to?

At the moment I own DT880 Edition, Fostex TH610, DT770 ProX.
Does that comparison make sense?
Expect the Sundara and 660S2 to sound slightly more relaxed/mellow:
Screenshot_20240322-150432_Chrome.png Screenshot_20240322-150631_Chrome.png
That was not my question. And I dont listen to graphs.

You should take the time to learn how to interpret them. They can't really help you choose your perfect headphone directly, but by comparing the graph of a headphone you're familiar with, with one you're considering, they can give you a broad impression of how it might sound and can definitely help you narrow down your search, or rule out some headphones.
I am interested in the HD560S sound signature, but with higher build quality/comfort. I am looking to test the HD490 Pro vs. HIFIMAN Sundara vs. HD660S2. Does that comparison make sense? Or should I pick a different model to compare to?

At the moment I own DT880 Edition, Fostex TH610, DT770 ProX.
Not all DT880 are created equal.
The regular DT880 has a treble peak and is light on the bass.
Do you mean DT700 ProX or the latest DT770 ProX ?
TH610 is bassy with a lot of treble.

The HD560S is closest to the DT880 but less sharp treble and a bit more clarity and bass extension but not more bass.

HD490 is (depending on the pads) either closer to a brighter/more forward DT880 or it is a warmer sound. No piercing treble.
Sundara is closest to DT880 but better bass extension and less sharp but has some slight sharpness. Different comfort.
HD660S2 is close to HD560S and between both HD490 signatures but smoother treble.
Not all DT880 are created equal.
The regular DT880 has a treble peak and is light on the bass.
Do you mean DT700 ProX or the latest DT770 ProX ?
TH610 is bassy with a lot of treble.

The HD560S is closest to the DT880 but less sharp treble and a bit more clarity and bass extension but not more bass.

HD490 is (depending on the pads) either closer to a brighter/more forward DT880 or it is a warmer sound. No piercing treble.
Sundara is closest to DT880 but better bass extension and less sharp but has some slight sharpness. Different comfort.
HD660S2 is close to HD560S and between both HD490 signatures but smoother treble.
Wow I had to read the line with the DT7... three times to spot the difference. I own the DT 700 ProX. Also I am not looking for exact sound of my DT880. But yeah I will just stick to my selection and test them for some days.

Didn't even know the DT 770 ProX existed...
The DT770 Prox is a new model. A crossing between DT770 and DT700 ProX.

HD560S and HD490 Pro do not sound like DT880.
The DT770 Prox is a new model. A crossing between DT770 and DT700 ProX.
interesting, it has a new driver but heritage looks.
hope it gets measured soon.

edit: ok maybe not new, there are claims that it's the same driver as on DT700.
edit: ok maybe not new, there are claims that it's the same driver as on DT700.
The homepage mentions that DT700 and DT770prox both contain a Stellar.45 driver with 48 Ohm.
So I'd say this is confirmed. Of course I cant tell if they contain a different variation of this driver or something.
These are just new headphones - the driver is from 700, and the body and amb are from 770. This is just something that should be similar to the sound and comfort of “buyers”. You may like it, or you may not.
I am interested in the HD560S sound signature, but with higher build quality/comfort. I am looking to test the HD490 Pro vs. HIFIMAN Sundara vs. HD660S2. Does that comparison make sense? Or should I pick a different model to compare to?

At the moment I own DT880 Edition, Fostex TH610, DT770 ProX.
After testing them for a bit I can give some feedback on my observations:
The Hifiman Sundara is totally not my thing. Build quality is okayish, comfort same, but the pads feel a bit cheap. For the Sound, it kind of felt off to me for the most part. But I was also under the impression that they might have a misbalance between both sides (left side being louder). But even without that, I would not consider such a headphone, the build quality is just not worth the money.
HD660S2 & HD490 Pro: Build quality on both is kind of weird and not worth their price point when coming from a Beyerdynamic headphone. The HD660S2's headband feels cheap, no marking for headband extension and also the side markings are very small on the inside of the earpieces or on the cables. The HD490 Pro has a much nicer build quality for the headband the plastic has coarse coating and goes nicely with the metal headband, but the one sided cable is a tad bit to phonetic for my liking, when you move the cable a little bit you can hear it clearly in the right earcup. Sadly the earcups feel kind of cheap compared to HD660S2. The "mixing" earpads are disgustingly uncomfortable, so I can make not comment about their tonality. I really like the feature that you can place the HD490's flat on the table due to swiveling earcups. The HD660S2 are so weirdly build, when you push against the earcups from the outside or make biting movements with your jaw, you can hear the headphone making noises... its astounding because no other of the headphones I tried has this. The problem with this is, you can also hear sometimes when not making jaw movements, its just the build of the earcups. Maybe this is specific to the model I got, but thats a no-go for me. I am not sure I had the same problem with 560S.

In terms of sound I compared all of them to my momentary equipment with DT 880 Edition and a Fostex TH-610. And there certainly there was no wow effect, although the openness is really interesting of the HD660S2. I think it was the same openness which I liked about the 560S when I tried them. So all in all I expected this to a degree, my original intention was to get a higher buildquality HD 560S.

Maybe I will just get a refurbished 560S for 99€ and see if I can deal with the comfort and quality longterm.
^Build quality is a sneaky thing. Having owned multiple flagships and various other very very nice looking headphones, it’s usually the cheaper headphones made by (quality) plastic that end up functioning when all else has died.
The Sennheiser 6 series (580/58X/600/650/6XX/660/660S2) is the one type of headphone I’ve never experienced any sort of problems with. Even my 25-30 year old 580 is still looking and functioning like new.
As for comfort; try opening up the headband a few clicks more and place the headband ever so slightly further back on your head. I’ve had a few peeps come over through the years trying on a classic Sennheiser. A couple of times I heard the usual ‘man this coconut is squeezing my brain!’ comment, and me realising they’ve failed to open up the headband and basically trying to force their heads into a thimbal. I then opened up the headband to about 10 clicks on each side, place the headband a little further back on their heads and yowsa it looks like I opened up a window in their brain.

I’ve had driver issues and stuff breaking with Focal, Audeze, Beyerdynamic and Hifiman (the latter was down to the old cable connectors messing with the balance)…never with Sennie. Sure that’s one anecdotal post but speaking with others in the hobby over the years has only confirmed my findings.

Also personally I’ve always ended up selling headphones that wowed me on first listen. The thing that made it exciting ended up being the one thing that made me sell it.
Sennies imho are often more ninja-like in their presentation letting the music speak for itself.
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