Got mine today, quick A/B between them, my current goto for easy listening Shure SRH840A and also Beyer DT770 Pro, and Yamaha HPH MT5. I warmed my ears up on the Shures which are heavily EQ'd, and tbh they are amazing for the price, a real find. Without EQ they are as filthy as a big mac and large fries.
Out of the box the 620S were slightly underwhelming. That upper bass hump is there making bass guitar sound a bit one note, and the treble was harsher, too bright despite my ageing ears. so I've punched in Oratory's PEQ settings, and modified them to taste. The bass hump has gone, so it's much more even, and I can now hear below 50Hz and make the notes out; it's actually very good, better than the Shures which have a great low bas response. Treble smoother without losing any punch to the sound, so I'll try leave it like this for a few days and see how it goes. The pads fit my ears without any sealing problems, and are comfortable
One thing I did notice is that there's plenty of detail going on, my Pink Floyd background dialogue test tracks were fine, and I can perhaps understand why some reviewers keep banging on about timbre, whatever that is a measure of.
Given how close I can EQ the £40 Yamahas though makes me still want to scratch the MT8 itch, but that's for another thread
The EQ settings are attached.
View attachment 390073