Thanks for the reply. Undoubtedly, the implementation of amplifiers and crossovers is different, but the speakers and housings are identical. The sound will be different, but how critical is this difference for equalization, mixing, mastering?Is the price difference justified? What will the sound engineer be limited to if he does not upgrade to 8340?.But if you turn off the chipboard at 8340, put them next to 8040, who will win in the end? If the difference is not noticeable, I will not buy 8340, I will leave 8040, and use the free money for other equipment.
As I already mentioned, this is not considered an upgrade price-wise.
It is the same range but a more flexible speaker.
For the sound it doesn't work that way, you cannot "turn off the chip",
it always goes through the digital process instead of being purely analog.
You talk about the amplifier and crossovers, like it is not a major difference.
Well, it is, literally a different type of amplifier, not a different amplifier of the same type,
with all the consequences in sound, as well as the crossover makes a difference.
So in 8340 you pay for the extra power, more connections, dsp flexibility, technology support, more modern design.
If you are planning to replace an old 8040 with a similar but more modern, go for it.
But I wouldn't consider it a sound upgrade, for the sound upgrade go for the coax Genelecs.