Placement, tweeter diffraction treatments, or DSP are options that easily deal with first reflections. I don't have any issues as placement solves most issues for me. Dennis has, a long with Paul Kittinger, designed many great speakers that have been easy for me to deal with in room. YMMV
Please explain more how these would work.
Placement: sure you can change toe-in/toe-out to change how the sidewalls interact, but you're still getting sidewall interaction, either the left or right wall
Tweeter diffraction treatments: you mean like blinders? Doesn't seem like a good idea. Waveguide would help, which Revel implements.
DSP: how? DSP doesn't change dispersion width. Maybe some exotic active cancellation could do it...
Only "easy" way to deal with early reflections, AFAIK, is to (1) put up absorption panels or (2) just remove the wall entirely and go free field (or have the wall so far away that the arrival time is well after direct sound, so your perception doesn't combine them as one, which smears the sound).