As far as I know only one single post in this thread even mentioned app control. My own post.Did I say that? I'm just answering to several posts stating crossover implementation is only possible through an app. btw you have several cheap amps with hpf/ crossover implementation from the likes of rsl, dayton audio or smsl so it shouldn't be that hard/ expensive.
Taking this one component (app control) out of its context you suggested "sabaj A30 pro" as a counter proof. I've still not been able to find a device going by this name.
Now, if a device does digital filtering it just makes sense to offer stuff like freely adjustable crossover frequencies with 1 Hz resolution, level adjustment in 0.5 dB steps (or even finer), delay adjustment in 1 ms steps (or even finer), switchable filter slopes and so on. Adjusting all these parameters through physical knobs or a static menu on the device is pretty much impossible. A dynamic menu structure would certainly require a graphic display on the device (and could well be called an app). A smartphone app or a browser based GUI are certainly to be preferred.
What I'm describing is a different class of devices. I'm aware of that and wouldn't ask that kind of functionality from a roughly $100 device.