@schallmauer asked me to do so, I today sent an error report about the "left satellite remains silent in analog setup" issue via mail to I hope turnaround by the Neumann support is a bit faster when last time with the MA1 version 1.5 issues...
My problem (Analog setup does not work in Network mode, but only in Local mode of KH 750) is solved now. Support from Neumann was very fast and good this time. Great job and kudos to the folks at Neumann!
I wrote a mail on Monday morning and got a reply from Neumann on Monday evening and a phone call on Tuesday to solve the problem. This was not successful yet, and the problem was routed to Neumann software development. From them I got an email reply on Thursday, which solved my problem:
I do not know if this was already mentioned in this lengthy thread, but there are now on MacOS two folders where MA 1 saves its settings:
An old one, used for example by MA 1 version 1.1, at
/Users/<username>/Library/Containers/com.neumann.alignment/Data/.local/share/Automatic Alignment
where MA 1 version 1.6 does not write data any longer, and a new one at
/Users/<username>/.local/share/Automatic Alignment
Newer MA 1 version might read after upgrade for instance from the 1st folder to migrate the settings. (Neumann told me that the folder change was needed to comply with Apple guidelines).
I was not aware of the 2nd folder, and as it has no "neumann" in the name, it is not obvious.
To solve my problem, I closed MA 1, did a KH 750 reset, moved both folders to Desktop (all the existing 1.6 alignments are in the 2nd folder) and started MA 1 new in a fresh state. I gave in all the usual data like serial number and did my the calibrations again, but now everything works fine.
So maybe, it is a good idea to remove both folders and to do a KH 750 reset in case of enduring MA 1 problems.
What I learned in addition:
- If you use an analog connection between soundcard and KH 750, you should do the MA 1 alignment via analog connection as well. If you have an automatic setup in MA 1, you can reuse an digital alignment for analog connection, but it is not optimal because the timing corrections for digital do not fit perfectly to an analog connection. That's logical, but was not completely clear to me. It means also that the same alignment might sound different depending if you use analog or digital connection. Therefore, they recommend to do and use one alignment for digital and one for analog.
- I got another confirmation that KH750 DSP works internally at the moment with 48 kHz. Neumann stated that they use high quality AD and DA converters. But sending the KH 750 a digital signal with more than 48 kHz helps nothing quality wise. And as documented: If you have an digital signal already Neumann recommends to use digital connection.