Hello VietnamRadioEnjoyer! Thanks for giving me your opinion.My personal opinion is that KH420 is the least appealing offering of neumann.
a pair of neumann kh750s + pair of KH310s gives you a 4 way system instead of 3 way, sealed enclosure instead of ported one, More options for placement, and built in dsp & DAC.
It is the superior offering while costing 2k less. its also prettier. Though I would be fine in that room with just the KH310s
The truth is that I had considered your suggestion when it was the KH310 model that I had in mind. The impossibility of carrying out the combination with the subs is the lack of space in the room, and I also do not like the idea of processing the signal by DSP from the KH750 sub, which I know that on the one hand provides advantages for calibration with the room but, on the other hand, 'alters' the signal.
Although, as you say, two KH310, without sub, could do a good job.
Right now I have some PMCtwenty5.23 and I don't know how different the Neumann's timbre will be compared to my PMC speakers.
The Neumann importer in Spain does not offer a showroom or anything similar.
Consequently, I will have to buy them without having heard them before, although there are some stores in Europe, which I think are known to everyone, that offer trial days of the products they sell.
I insist, thank you for your help.