NEUMANN KH750 DSP : Crossover frequency: 80 Hz fixed or 60 - 100 Hz via Neumann.Control app
Maybe legal requirement for those who don’t use the app.
The old info on the webpage was misleading. They didn´t implement this functionality to the app yet, so the description was false. Some time ago i got the info from Neumann support that they want to implement this feature in "one of the next updates" of the app. So it is still not possible to change the crossover frequency, even with the app.
It is possible though that the sub automatically uses a higher setting for the KH80. I have the KH310 and the XO is 80Hz. Maybe it´s higher if the KH80 is specified in the app. (You can tell the KH750 if you use KH80, 120, 310 or 420).