Instructions for IR gating in REW
- photo editor used was Photoscape both excellent freeware!
ER18DXT two-way measurement at 1500mm distance, speaker on a stand in large room, pillows on floor to suppress floor reflection. Microphone was UMIK-1 with correlation. First reflection at 2,5ms, second at 5ms. Tukey 0,25ms windowing used. Notice we adjust Right window after the signal peak.
First, IR right window gating set to 2,5ms to mask the first reflection. Everything below 1kHz is obscure
But when we set IR gating to 5ms, we see lower freq and the first 2,5ms reflection's effect
- photo editor used was Photoscape both excellent freeware!
ER18DXT two-way measurement at 1500mm distance, speaker on a stand in large room, pillows on floor to suppress floor reflection. Microphone was UMIK-1 with correlation. First reflection at 2,5ms, second at 5ms. Tukey 0,25ms windowing used. Notice we adjust Right window after the signal peak.
First, IR right window gating set to 2,5ms to mask the first reflection. Everything below 1kHz is obscure
But when we set IR gating to 5ms, we see lower freq and the first 2,5ms reflection's effect
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