I'd say it's closer to 15ms of delay (it looks to be about 20ms - 5ms - there is excess group delay in the main speakers as well) - so you just need to add about 14 to 15ft of distance to your subwoofer setting.
BTW I've just posted a new MSO tutorial video onto Youtube that you might want to have a look at it.
Again, thanks much. I ended up going back to the drawing board a little as I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome. The workflow was this:
1. Recheck alignment timing (correct term??) on MSO'd "virtual sub" to see effect. The sub response seemed OK based on previous MSO setup.
Ran a 6x5 matrix of XO combinations to see if there was an optimum XO, i.e., all combinations of subs at 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100Hz and mains at 60-100Hz. That totals 30 scans, quite a few, so I did the perimeter of the matix and the midpoints (X's in matrix below). Partial results pointed to the region between 70-90Hz so those were also scanned (o's in matrix).
60 70 80 90 100
50 x x x x x
60 x x x
70 x x x x x
80 x o x o x
90 x o x o x
100 x x x x x
At the end 80/80Hz turned out best. Lots of work to "prove" what everybody already seems to know, but why not? Anyway, I'm now confident in terms of best FR, XS delay, clarity, etc.
2. Ran a series scans that varied the delay on the mains. The best seemed to be ~13ms.
3. Ran Dirac.
Result: Too many scans to post, but Dirac DID improve everything this time. Most importent, it sounds
wonderful. Balanced, very clear, well defined
low end, no boominess. Mids and highs balanced too, unfatiguing. Soundstage and imaging are as good as I've heard them on this equipment. I set up a low boost and low cut variants on Dirac for different genres. See below. I'll also watch your new MSO vid. That will probably move me to start the whole thing over again.

Thanks again, Happy Holidays and cheers,
Pop/Rock: Reelin' in the Years Steely Dan), Telegraph Road (Dire Straits), Angels on a Balcony (Blondie).
Random House/Trance examples