We are not discussing OP. Conversation has frequently turned into complex load emulating speakers and someone post graphs from stereophile claiming that is the justification for doing those kind of tests as well. I and SIY have explained why the data is already contained in my measurements.The issue found by the OP has nothing to do with simple voltage divider math at the output of the amp - nothing at all.
The issue of large capacitor across a resistor is different. I have said and repeat that it doesn't represent any loads. Nor to your argument, is it the hardest load. Pretty sure a 1 ohm load would kill many amplifiers regardless of topology. Should we adopt that too?
You speak of RF. It is easy to blow my many RF amps/output stages with too much SWR. I know, I put myself through college by repairing tons of CB and VHF radios. You are supposed to have matched impedance and no manufacture goes out of its way to make a consumer product be immune to poor loads. Maybe for some industrial applications where you don't care about the cost and worry about misconfiguration you handle difficult loads. But not in consumer products. I certainly have not seen any protection circuits in consumer high power RF gear whereas that is standard practice for audio.