Major Contributor
we might need this reaction added below the post, right next to the like button
we might need this reaction added below the post, right next to the like button
It depends on the musical genre: with rock the difference does not exceed 16.5%, with classical it can even reach 23-23.5%.After few weeks of writing emails to Nad,they told me based on their experience
NAD C399 vs nad c298 , difference is no more than 20%
Are these numbers valid before or after burn-in?It depends on the musical genre: with rock the difference does not exceed 16.5%, with classical it can even reach 23-23.5%. (...)
I think you have to clearly mark your post as sarcasm. OP might otherwise take it for granted.It depends on the musical genre: with rock the difference does not exceed 16.5%, with classical it can even reach 23-23.5%. (...)
Advice accepted.I think you have to clearly mark your post as sarcasm.
They just wanted the emails to stop.So they were happy to make up a bullshit number for you that you can imagine means something. That's one way of doing it I guess.
LolIt depends on the musical genre: with rock the difference does not exceed 16.5%, with classical it can even reach 23-23.5%.
View attachment 231092
I think they printed and framed the emails and hung them in front of their desk. Just to remember them.They just wanted the emails to stop.
Hi i have now 3 options,Both are sonically perfect, and there is nothing better than perfect, even if one measures better than the other. The only real effect would be amplifier power: more is better, and that may well be audible on some music.
i watched him many times... and other youtube reviewers as well..Andrew Robinson has a review on YT just FYI.
At last, you're starting to figure out something...i watched him many times... and other youtube reviewers as well..
it doesnt help.
How is Andrew Robinson gonna help exactly? Oh, let me guess...Andrew Robinson has a review on YT just FYI
Am I wrong?...the mids are blablabla, the highs are blablabla... If you're on the market, looking for a bargain, all-in-one integrated, then the C399 should definitely be on your short list...
Hi, bladest, sorry for the joke above.i watched him many times... and other youtube reviewers as well..
it doesnt help.
does Dirac limited badwitch worth it? Andrew claim all nad junky products sound sterille compared to marantz for example model 40 just an example?
I'll make this generic comment from experience.... each marginal barely audible improvement, doubles the price at retail... (roughly, with some notable value exceptions)
For a "oh! that really sounds better!" experience... you need to go up about 3 to 5 "notches" (ie: double the price 3 to 5 times)
Another way of describing this, is exponentially diminishing returns - it costs enormous amounts once you get to an "adequate" level - to provide truly noticeable improvements.
Having said that - an economy "cheap" set of speakers and economy electronics can provide remarkable performance - the key being proper setup of the speakers - speakers are very very setup/room dependent.
Second issue is having an amp that provide sufficient power and current for the specific set of speakers.
A really well set up set of $500 speakers - will sound superb
A poorly set up set of $100,000 speakers will sound like rubbish
But all things being equal - my rule of thumb of double the price for each barely audible stepwise improvement has applied consistently for the last few decades....
(and yes, it is always worthwhile seeking out the exceptional bargains, those components that break the rule of thumb, and achieve better value!)
I've had some doubt recently based on a thread (@restorer-john ?) showing Hypex boards' sub-optimal heat management. He did say Purifi was better. I have some confidence in his judgement on that.End game is Purifi. Good enough is Hypex Ncore. Check out @Matias spreadsheet for all measured amplifiers and see how they compare.
Amplifier SINAD list ASR + 3rd parties
Also, read my previous post:
Power upgrade ???
I own a Denon 8500HA with 150 wpc 2 channel rated... I just bought a pair of Revel F208 for 2 channel listing....listing in "Pure Direct" They sound great... BUT what kind of power upgrade would make them sound "Much" better.... Or am I just going down the rabbit hole ??? Just
Disagree. There's a bend in this curve where it goes negative. Consider the D'Agostino and Audio Note kilobuck amps that introduce distortion in order to achieve a non-transparent house curve. Amps probably top out at a couple thou, DACs considerably lower. Speakers...maaaybe. A lot of the high end designs seem like crap. A pair of blade metas is likely as good as it gets unless you have a HUGE room.But all things being equal - my rule of thumb of double the price for each barely audible stepwise improvement has applied consistently for the last few decades....
I can’t find this discussion. Do you have a link?showing Hypex boards' sub-optimal heat management.