However, and this is just me, that's exactly the type of remote I was running away from: lots of teeny, non-descript buttons.
I wonder how many here use universal remote controls?
You seem to have found comfort that you were seeking... but at what cost?
Learning remotes

, Universal remotes

, I got all sorts of remote controllers

coming out of every drawer in most rooms in the house and bunch of retired wired/wireless ones

, in the garage. Adding to that assortment of remotes

, we also have remote operated, multi-color LED lightbulbs inside/outside (all w/different IR codes). Oh yeah, then there are those celing fans/lights that ONLY operate using RF remotes

which lay waste to their 12V batteries, every few months.
No wonder Logitech
discontinued their "
Harmony" line of remotes

, you can't have peace and harmony with remotes

I have two of those Logitech remotes as my contribution to the WAF happiness, so that she does not fritz-out w/multiple/different remotes.

and especially programming them have become the proverbial 'tail
S that wag the dog
S" in the pet-adoption centers!
I finally realized I was getting so OCD with those things, and they were consuming so much of my time that I used a labeler for tagging 10+ of the most used remotes

I have given up attempting to consolidate those f*ckers

. I don't care any more and I will go as far as replacing their batteries but nothing more!

#1: Button batteries are said to be ingested by more than 3500 US children
per year in the US.
#2: Some
sources[?] estimate that nearly 1.4BILLION button-cells are [
indiscrimately] disposed of, each year in the US alone.