More of what? It would be nice to see more measurements as to what there is more of? OT seem to imply there is more noise. Using what you sayed in post #702 it should be an easy taskt to test at least noice floor on real music?A decoded MQA is not less than a CD. It is more.
There is not one research paper on lossy encoding that uses test signals. All testing is done with music. To push the codec, "codec killer" test tracks are used but they are still not artificial test signals. My team developed such technology so you can't ask me to go along with a different metric of testing them against 100% of research and industry practice.
Just a thought, the MQA codec seem to be contradicting in its main function. It's compression (folding) scheme work best with music with low DR as demostrated by JA. Low DR music already have so much energy in the normal passband I wonder if ultrasonic would ever be revealed to us even listening to the original soundscape?