Hi guys, your messages show that it's hard to follow every posts on this thread, maybe I should have created another thread for that, but I already posted here at least two times what you're talking about ;-)
On the previous page, I show some signals from the same track :
- one from the FLAC file directly
- one from the digital recording of the same FLAC file, which looks matching the original file (so the digital recording method I used should be OK, but I will do a null test on this)
- one from the digital recording of the MQA file after decoding
Here is the Null test from DeltaWave of the last track I check (the one we were talking some pages ago, bought by one member and that appeared to be a 44.1kHz upsampled to 96kHz (fake HiRes)
Null test between 24/96 FLAC file and MQA 24/48 decoded to 24/96 :
View attachment 132889
NOTE : Deltawave is used here with
@pkane setting from the DA-AD loopback test where I get 107.9dBFS on my device (don't used in this test as this one is fully digital)
Maybe we need to use different settings
If I do the same with the original FLAC file and its digital recorded version, it gives this result :
View attachment 132906
So I may need to disable the non-linear feature, in this case, the original FLAC file and its digital recorded version gives this :
View attachment 132908
And in this case (without non-linear feature), MQA decoded get a higher PK Metric result, but a lower difference result :
View attachment 132921
Right, I will check it again and add numbers, it was zoomed a lot
You're perfectly right if we consider the full process up to the istening point, as they don't use the same filters, but if we want to compare the files themselves, we can stop before that after the decoding, as known as the first unfold, which may be the only real unfold as the folowwing looks more like upsampling if needed (for master of more than 24/96).
I was thinking that since DimitryZ post, we were talking of file only, so encoding only, and not what happens after that because the filter are different.
@DimitryZ , can you confirm that please ? because I checked your first post and didn't really find a test but only a graph.