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MOTU UltraLite-mk5 Review (Audio Interface)

Hi! I made an application for Android based on an application for Linux from Jared from MOTU. Test what happened ))

There are some interface upgrades:
1. Support double tap.
2. Double tapping on the knobs resets the values/returns them to default.
3. I set the monitor (1-2) to -24dB by default, so that it wouldn’t scream at maximum, just like on headphones.
4. Added cutoffs -12dB (gray-blue) and -3dB (orange) to the HOME/INPUT/OUTPUT picmeters. I usually recording around -12, it’s so convenient for me.
5. Added a level to the sliders in the mixer.
6. And in the effects too.
7. I removed the device's pictures, there is a model inscription on top, the picture only eats up space))

The application has been archived. You need to install it on Android manually. I use a 10" tablet, everything is fine with the interfaces. It's not so convenient on a phone.


  • i1.png
    37.7 KB · Views: 144
  • i2.png
    57.1 KB · Views: 151
  • i3.png
    13 KB · Views: 137
  • Android CueMix 5.zip
    2.8 MB · Views: 86
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If anyone needs an «improved» interface))) This is an archive of app's folder from Windows: c:\Program Files (x86)\MOTU\Gen5\CueMix5\resources\app\src\www\


  • SysApp-www.zip
    314.4 KB · Views: 56
If anyone needs an «improved» interface))) This is an archive of app's folder from Windows: c:\Program Files (x86)\MOTU\Gen5\CueMix5\resources\app\src\www\
So this is the Windows CueMix 5 with the app (for Android) modifications you show at post #661, is it? And if so, just replacing that attached file at the shown Windows location will replace it?


you just need to replace the contents of the folder with files from the archive SysApp-www.zip


This is the application «release». There are two versions, FS is fullscreen app


  • CueMix5.zip
    3.1 MB · Views: 66
  • CueMix5-FS.zip
    3.1 MB · Views: 65
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Not sure how feasible this is, but has anyone looked in to sending commands to the Ultralite Mk5 via python?

I currently use my Ultralite Mk5 connected to a RPi and use nginx so I can control it remotely via Cuemix from a laptop. I would love the ability to change the clock source so that when I change to a CamillaDSP configuration that uses a different input (analog vs SPDIF vs TOSLINK) I could get it to automatically change to my desired clock source. Changing the clock source via the front panel or Cuemix isn't that difficult but it would be a nice improvement if I could automate it.


Riguardo al prossimo firmware e ai futuri aggiornamenti del software Cuemix5 , c'è una conversazione sul forum GS, in cui un utente ha contattato il supporto MOTU e lo hanno indirizzato al supporto tecnico (TS), dove è stato suggerito che fosse giunto il momento per i possessori di Mk5 di scrivere direttamente risponderli esponendo i loro reali problemi/bisogni.

Nelle sue parole:
"Se possiedi un ultralite e desideri vedere aggiornamenti specifici, il servizio clienti mi ha indicato di inviare un ticket al supporto tecnico (disponibile solo se sei il proprietario del prodotto). Apparentemente non stanno facendo nulla con i suggerimenti inviati a CS, deve essere tramite un biglietto per TS Strange, ma comunque... Per tua informazione.

Ho inviato un ticket per le funzionalità di cui sopra che desidero indietro. TS ha risposto molto rapidamente e ha detto che era una buona idea inviarli adesso (poiché sembra che stiano lavorando sul software).

Questo è tutto quello che ho. Ora, se offrono queste funzionalità o qualcosa di nuovo, non lo so. Né conosco un periodo di tempo. Ma ho pensato che valesse la pena condividerlo." (narfs).

Queste sono le caratteristiche e funzionalità che sono state registrate come ridotte/limitate al MOTU Ultralite Mk5 rispetto a Ultralite Mk4 e Mk3:
  • L'Ultralite 3 ha il vecchio Cuemix che aveva un equalizzatore a 7 bande, un compressore con 2 modalità, un trim e un livellatore.
  • L'Ultralite 4 ha la suite Pro Software proprio come gli 828 con il routing completo e gli effetti robusti.
  • L'Ultralite 5 ha un nuovissimo Cuemix5 che ha un equalizzatore a 4 bande e un compressore ridotto.

1. EQ, 4 bande sul canale, 3 sull'uscita master. (in passato c'erano 7 bande su ogni canale e l'uscita master).

2. I filtri EQ, Low e High cut NON hanno alcun mezzo per regolare la pendenza del filtro. Mi sembra che sia un 12dB fisso. (in precedenza era regolabile a 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 e 36 db)

3. Compressor, No Trim (era presente sul vecchio Cuemix)

4. Compressor, No Knee (era presente sul vecchio Cuemix)

5. Compressore, non disponibile affatto sull'uscita master (era disponibile sul vecchio Cuemix e lo usavo quotidianamente). "

///Tuttavia, la maggior parte delle funzionalità mancanti elencate qui devono essere implementate nel software Cuemix5.
C'è però una funzionalità che dovrà essere eseguita a livello di firmware e potrebbe essere richiesta da noi utenti:

L'aggiunta di una modalità di assorbimento di potenza ridotto, in modo da consentire l' alimentazione del bus Ultralite mk5 per compiti mobili cruciali, (es. solo 2 ingressi anteriori (+2 posteriori) attivi e nessuna espansione ADAT).
Molto per ottenere ciò che già fa M4, quindi UltraliteMk5 funzionerà consentendo solo le funzionalità di base senza la necessità di un alimentatore esterno.

Buongiorno a tutti....vi scrivo da disperato!, Anche io sono veramente deluso di Cuemix5. Ho acquistato da poco la Ultralite mk5 (maggio 2024) e a distanza di 3 anni dalle Vostre recensioni non è cambiato nulla. Ho venduto la mia vecchia Ultralite mk4 che usavo nei live pensando di migliorare, ora mi ritrovo indietro di 20 anni. Hanno tolto tante funzionalità e trasformato il Cuemix in mixer giocattolo. Non si può impostare neanche un livello per i Fader tramite tastiera, manca addirittura il led di Peek!, Per non parlare del compressore scadente. Solitamente escludevo i canali che non usavo, ora ti ritrovi canali che non usi in mezzo ad intralciare il lavoro .... INSOMMA UNA SCHIFEZZA DI MIXER, sto pensando di rivendere tutto. Fatemi sapere se avete novità, Grazie

Translation by Moderator: Please use English going forward. Thank you.

“Good morning everyone....I'm writing to you in desperation!, I'm also really disappointed with Cuemix5. I recently purchased the Ultralite mk5 (May 2024) and 3 years after your reviews nothing has changed. I sold my old Ultralite mk4 that I used in live performances thinking of improving it, now I find myself 20 years behind. They removed many features and transformed the Cuemix into a toy mixer. You can't even set a level for the Faders via the keyboard, even the Peek! LED is missing, not to mention the poor compressor. I usually excluded the channels that I didn't use, now you find channels that you don't use in the middle of getting in the way of work.... IN short, A CRAP MIXER, I'm thinking of reselling everything. Let me know if you have any news, thanks”
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Buongiorno a tutti....vi scrivo da disperato!, Anche io sono veramente deluso di Cuemix5. Ho acquistato da poco la Ultralite mk5 (maggio 2024) e a distanza di 3 anni dalle Vostre recensioni non è cambiato nulla. Ho venduto la mia vecchia Ultralite mk4 che usavo nei live pensando di migliorare, ora mi ritrovo indietro di 20 anni. Hanno tolto tante funzionalità e trasformato il Cuemix in mixer giocattolo. Non si può impostare neanche un livello per i Fader tramite tastiera, manca addirittura il led di Peek!, Per non parlare del compressore scadente. Solitamente escludevo i canali che non usavo, ora ti ritrovi canali che non usi in mezzo ad intralciare il lavoro .... INSOMMA UNA SCHIFEZZA DI MIXER, sto pensando di rivendere tutto. Fatemi sapere se avete novità, Grazie

Translation by Moderator: Please use English going forward. Thank you.

“Good morning everyone....I'm writing to you in desperation!, I'm also really disappointed with Cuemix5. I recently purchased the Ultralite mk5 (May 2024) and 3 years after your reviews nothing has changed. I sold my old Ultralite mk4 that I used in live performances thinking of improving it, now I find myself 20 years behind. They removed many features and transformed the Cuemix into a toy mixer. You can't even set a level for the Faders via the keyboard, even the Peek! LED is missing, not to mention the poor compressor. I usually excluded the channels that I didn't use, now you find channels that you don't use in the middle of getting in the way of work.... IN short, A CRAP MIXER, I'm thinking of reselling everything. Let me know if you have any news, thanks”
The Cuemix 5 interface is really trivial in fact, but I think it's deliberately so for the price range.
I honestly don't know who really falls back on that software and internal DSP ...If you already have your PC or Mac connected, take a DAW and have access to a processing with infinite possibilities. Latency shouldn't be a problem at all.
The strengths of the MK5 are I/O, performance, price.
I use this device as a digital mixer on stage. I really need a limiter. Why didn't they add it? It is not difficult.
As much as I hate the Cuemix FX interface, it can do everything a basic mix requires. ok, they added a gate but left features on the way as described. removing the limiter doesn't make sense on interfaces that function as mic preamps. the low pass also got lost.
And it's not that they did it deliberately for the price range. their flagships come with Cuemix 5 also.
Another big difference is that you could actually operate Cuemix FX directly on the interfaces, without any computer at all. It's inconvenient AF, but at least possible.
New release, sync with 96083 version driver. WWW is a desktop application, in Windows repalce the c:\Program Files (x86)\MOTU\Gen5\CueMix5\resources\app\src\www\


  • Desktop Apps WWW.zip
    314.5 KB · Views: 49
  • CueMix5.apk.zip
    3.1 MB · Views: 50
  • CueMix5-FullScreen.apk.zip
    3.1 MB · Views: 47
I had this interface for like a year and only recently realized you can disable the stupid ping pong ball and change it to off screen lol

wish this interface had a standby mode or something that can reduce its usage and prolong life tho, i find it a pain in the ass to turn it on and off so i always leave it on
I had this interface for like a year and only recently realized you can disable the stupid ping pong ball and change it to off screen lol
wish this interface had a standby mode or something that can reduce its usage and prolong life tho, i find it a pain in the ass to turn it on and off so i always leave it on
You can directly cut either AC or DC power, it has on/off status memory.
Why is 24 the only bit depth selectable in Windows for this device? Also, I see that attempting to send a 16 bit stream via WASAPI Exclusive to the ultralite fails. WASAPI must be configured to 24 or 32 bit to work.
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New release, sync with 96083 version driver. WWW is a desktop application, in Windows repalce the c:\Program Files (x86)\MOTU\Gen5\CueMix5\resources\app\src\www\
Many thanks for this. I've recently bought one to use as an interface for a 3-way active crossover. I got the network control working and could remotely access on a PC via Firefox/Edge/Chrome, but couldn't get it to work via Android Chrome. Your Android application is fantastic!
Many thanks for this. I've recently bought one to use as an interface for a 3-way active crossover. I got the network control working and could remotely access on a PC via Firefox/Edge/Chrome, but couldn't get it to work via Android Chrome. Your Android application is fantastic!
Thank you, very nice) For the latest firmware and driver, you can simply install Cuemix5 on a remote PC.
Here is the latest android's version, correctly compiled and signed (zip'ed apk)). This also works for new MOTU 828.


  • CueMix5_9683.apk.zip
    2.5 MB · Views: 28
  • CueMix5_Fullscreen_96083.apk.zip
    2.5 MB · Views: 30
I am inexperienced with mixing interfaces/ Cuemix5 but thought I could figure this out but I can't. I have a Windows PC hooked up to the Motu via USB with crossover software on the PC that is splitting the main 2 hi-passed channels to outputs 1 and 2 and the 2 low passed subwoofer channels to outputs 3 and 4. This works perfectly out putting what I want on channels 1,2,3,4. What I want to do is "sum the 2 Sub channels to mono" and output them to 4 channels, ideally channels 3,4,5,6 but channels 5,6,7,8 would also work. Is this possible? Thanks for any help.
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