So the evidence offered there is MQA is no different. Not exactly inspiring for MQA.
Well, yes, if true, because MQA makes a big claim about the reduction in temporal blur via their end-to-end process, even improving on hi rez masters. As stated, though, others have reported hearing this improvement, on a better DAC and system I believe, though the author did not hear an improvement in this case via the $300 Meridian Explorer2.
Also, it appears from what I see that he used the same MQA DAC with and without MQA encoded material. My understanding is that an MQA DAC would deliver half - the playback side of sonic benefits - with any material, including non-MQA encoded. Possibly, that might have influenced things in his demo, bringing the sound closer together. I do not think that any MQA DAC yet has the ability to turn MQA off completely. That, and there may never be such a thing as two DACs for comparison which are identical except one is MQA and the other is not. John Atkinson in Stereophile recently measured a Meridian Explorer vs. an Explorer2, but I doubt that the only singular difference between them is that the 2 has MQA. The Explorer2 was slightly better, by the way, but he is not yet ready to declare total victory for MQA.
Maybe these are the issues, or maybe MQA, despite heroic efforts, is just unable to deliver on their promise as to sonics. But, one sighted observation does not cement the case, one way or the other.
I still believe that Tidal loves MQA because of the significant bandwidth reduction it provides on hi rez files with apparently no reduction in quality, as this author concludes. I believe it does that in a better way from an administration and marketing perspective than traditional FLAC or DSD files do, albeit with the need for the user to upgrade to an MQA DAC to have access to the hi rez "layers" of the program. Still, it would give Tidal the competitive advantage of being the only hi rez streaming service and delivering that efficiently. Would others follow? It might take a long while.
The frequent complaint I have seen in forums is that prior demos did not compare the same material with/without MQA. At least, that was not the case here. But, I think there are still many unanswered questions and the jury is still out on any definite sonic improvements.