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Monoprice Monolith THX 887 Balance Headphone Amp: New Champ?

Jesus. Now QM is telling me what I like too? That's just too far. Now Im starting to understand how this poor guy feels.
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I for one am glad this 887 exists for one major reason. The 789 is good, but (Mass)Drop sucks. I would rather deal with any other company. They caught lightning in a bottle with the 789, but now everybody can go back to ignoring them.

Yeah. I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. I kind of regret just having bought the 789, because I'm not a fan of Massdrop as a company. But the 887 isn't going to be available for over a month anyway. I'm not really a big fan of Monoprice either, so I'm probably just going to wait until the new March audio or the neurochrome options become available, and then switch to one of those.
The THX 887. We deserve a better 789 clone than the 887. If they had only made it look really cool or at least significantly different from the 789. I mean its not a bad strategy since they already knew the 789 was successful, but I think it is actually likely that it is literally the same amp, and this is just their way of transitioning over from it being a temporary to permanent product. It is possible they tweaked it a little (like they did with the housing), but I kind of doubt it.
Just adding a stepped attenuator, or an LED volume strength light. Just something a LITTLE different that what the THX 789 looks like.
It's ALMOST like it is made in the same factory except for the face plate...

I have had NONE amp issues with both companies but both handled things will... I am still tempted to cancel JUST because of the 5 year warranty Monoprice is offering, that IS a big deal...
My Schiit BiFrost lasted 4.8 years and then something went pop inside it. They repaired it as per the warranty and gave me a discount on the Uber and USB upgrades, And yes I know the Schiit has few fans here, but they have ALWAYS treated me well...
I wish they had put a giant knob on the top of it like the jds labs element

Great for use, a nightmare for longevity with dust and debris directly constantly falling in between the knob and the frame when you have such design.
" it is my absolute pleasure to recommend the Monolith THX AAA Balanced headphone amplifier. It delighted me to see a company dedicated to absolute excellence and full transparency to our sources and content. This is a type of product you buy once and you are done. "

My THX AAA 789 is set to arrive on Thursday and now I'm contemplating slitting my wrists. :(

My 2nd thx 789 is scheduled to arrive in a could of days also. But just because there exist a fantasy product (ey, it's not actual for sale anywhere) that is technically better - you will have a great amp :) I will bet you or anyone else 5 norwegian kroners (one time) that it is -impossible- to be able to hear a difference in these to amps.
Great for use, a nightmare for longevity with dust and debris directly constantly falling in between the knob and the frame when you have such design.

True, but there is nothing in this world that feels better than a giant knob
My 2nd thx 789 is scheduled to arrive in a could of days also. But just because there exist a fantasy product (ey, it's not actual for sale anywhere) that is technically better - you will have a great amp :) I will bet you or anyone else 5 norwegian kroners (one time) that it is -impossible- to be able to hear a difference in these to amps.

True. It is difficult enough to hear the difference between amps that are actually different.
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