I consider buying a Denon AVR 1800H and modify its preamps, or to be more specific its lack of it.
Its just a thought, might some have views and infos to share.
The 1800h would be nice for me, if it had propper Front preouts.
Basically its no big deal to open the case find the amp board, check which cables are for the fronts and then solder a wire in parallel, even better would be to disconnect the amp stage, but this is recognized by the amp and its shuts down, so amp stage prob need to stay connected.
i could imagine to make a small pcb with some op amps to go symetric from this point, just a rough idea so far, might skip that, or skip the idea completly.
Its just a thought, might some have views and infos to share.
The 1800h would be nice for me, if it had propper Front preouts.
Basically its no big deal to open the case find the amp board, check which cables are for the fronts and then solder a wire in parallel, even better would be to disconnect the amp stage, but this is recognized by the amp and its shuts down, so amp stage prob need to stay connected.
i could imagine to make a small pcb with some op amps to go symetric from this point, just a rough idea so far, might skip that, or skip the idea completly.