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Measurements of Singxer SA-1 Headphone Amp(Preview)

thanks. actually this is exactly what i needed... a bit emberassing, hence the title is so on point that it would have been the first hit if i had searched for this topic on asr and not on google :facepalm:
Yes, do search here first but sometime you get hits to ASR too when googling.
This is measuring output voltage, not detecting DC leak.

i thought it is pretty similar but measuring for dc voltage instead of ac. the dc leakage would appear on the same contacts where usually the ac voltage is occuring whilst playing music on the dac above 0 volume. at least that's how i understood it from the resources i found on google. but please correct me if i am wrong. o_O
So it is safe to connect the amp with the jumpers to any DAC like D90 or X16 and try the DC mode?
So it is safe to connect the amp with the jumpers to any DAC like D90 or X16 and try the DC mode?
These modern DACs should have next to no DC offset so in theory it's safe. The danger is with a malfunctioning DAC presenting more than negligible amounts of DC to the amp which will amplify and send it to the headphones. DC protection is there to ward against this kind of (catastrophic) failure, if you disable it you're on your own. But with a properly working DAC it should be fine.

Better question is, can it realistically affect anything / make a positive effect on the sound? Maybe try it out and if you can't really hear anything, put the DC protection back on.
OK so, far sounds amazing, but lacking in power, thought the Susvara would run good on this headphone, the A90 pushes it better as of right now.

I flipped the switches to the left, all of them to the left for gain, then I have it on Z-Low.

Does that sound correct?
OK so, far sounds amazing, but lacking in power, thought the Susvara would run good on this headphone, the A90 pushes it better as of right now.
So no special "discrete" magic I assume? :) Figures.
What kind of volume control does this use?

Analogue pot?

How's the channel balance/tracking?
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All I know is it needs and extra gain stage, otherwise its a good amp.

Running Susvara he6, no go IMO, needs more gain and a little more juice, but everything else works great.
Not having the high/low gain switch readily available on the front sucks. Power switch too, but that is way less annoying than having to access the bottom to switch the gain.
Were any of you able to compare the SA-1 to Jotunheim 2?
Were any of you able to compare the SA-1 to Jotunheim 2?

I have no doubt judging by measurements and schiits own measurements that this would wipe the floor with the Jot 2. Jot 2 also will not allow you use very sensitive IEMs or headphones without a hiss from too much power (have seen this complaint on several message boards by owners). Plus this has a lot more output connection possibilities with the 4.4. I think this offers better value.
Hello Shenzhenaudio
I hope you sent the Singxer SA-1 to Amirm for testing

Measurement wise, sure, but the Jot2 has more power and a higher gain stage, and is still state of the art my friend.

Schiit is an American company, and they have good products, I have no problem supporting them.
I also think the SA-1's z-low and z-hi is really dumb, should have been a gain switch, also they should have added another gain stage.
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