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Measurements and Review of Schiit Yggdrasil DAC

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Wait, I thought the analog v2 upgrade fixed those issues, as it looks like on the 1khz non-filtered thd here. Or is it just easier to see with the 1khz filtered out?
Correct. This test is hugely more sensitive because it first filters out the 1 kHz tone, then boosts the signal before measuring it. This results in almost zero contributions of noise and distortion in the ADC of the analyzer, revealing all that is wrong in the DAC being tested.
Then upload it as an attachment for every measurement made. So that anyone who does have the equipment can see what was done in the interest of transparency.

Give it up. How many people reading Amir's results have one of these analysers? Anyone who does have one can contact Amir directly.
Give it up. How many people reading Amir's results have one of these analysers? Anyone who does have one can contact Amir directly.

Everyone should act with transparency. I wouldn't think that uploading project files would be a significant task and not doing so could give the impression that information on testing procedure is being hidden intentionally or mistakes are being made through inexperience.

People have already questioned Amir's testing methods. If project files are uploaded it acts as evidence of what was performed which is valuable in the interests of transparency and credibility. While very few would have the equipment to view them it's important that they are easily available in the future in the event that someone comes along and is able to view them.

I know that some people are going to view this comment through a lens of us vs them but that is not important. If mistakes are being made then I want other experienced people to be able to easily view what was done because accurate measurements are important. Anyone who has worked in some kind of technical support knows that being able to see the log of what was done is as important as someones written explanation of what was done.
If project files are uploaded it acts as evidence of what was performed which is valuable in the interests of transparency and credibility.

Does Jude offer his project files for public download? If so do you have a link?
Everyone should act with transparency. I wouldn't think that uploading project files would be a significant task and not doing so could give the impression that information on testing procedure is being hidden intentionally or mistakes are being made through inexperience.
I hear you but the files are 50+ megabytes each so people downloading them will cost me in bandwidth costs here.

As to your larger point, there is no good faith collaboration going on with the couple of people who are objecting to my work, one of whom doesn't have my analyzer anyway. And the other, Jude, he is refusing to share his files with me so right now, I am so unhappy about his unprofessional conduct that I don't want to teach him anymore.

BTW, AP asked me to do the same and I gave him the same answer. I also told them to ask me again in the future and I may change my mind.

For now, if folks doubt the sincerity of my measurements and data, they should just ignore it and not keep grinding on this topic. It is clear the characters involved have motivations to complain way beyond the borders of transparency and accuracy of data.

If you want to advance this conversion, the right approach is to put pressure on Jude to stop using his moderator powers against me on his forum. Encourage him to follow US FTC regulations that require online bloggers to fully express any commercial interest they have in the products they are reviewing. And explain the history and provenance of the devices he is testing. We need to know if these are hand-picked units, and loaned for free. And whether this is a coordinated PR-scheme by Schiit. These are the clouds that need to be lifted. Not constantly questioning me to do more in the presence of so much conflict of interest.

Last but not least, I am spending more time answering these accusations and challenges for doing more work across multiple forums than actually performing tests. Assume my tests can have mistakes and that is fine with me. I like to get back to doing constructive work of reviewing more products. The whiners will continue to whine because my work is threatening their other interests. Or maybe they have a good point in which case, they better couch it with full transparency of their interests as you say. If they lack that and you still listen to them, good luck to you. :)
For those of you not familiar with FTC rules which seemingly includes the owners of the other two forums complaining about my work, here they are: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/bus...tcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking






On the reviewer loaned equipment:

On follow up mentions such as the date from Jude and Atomicbob:

You don't even have to say something positive to be required to make clear disclosure:


Beyond FTC regulations what they say to do is just proper. You want to give ample notice to your readers in the interest of protecting your own reputation. Yes, it can turn off some readers but it is the price of doing such things. Every one of my reviews and measurements start with such a disclosure as is the case for this review:


The violations on this front is just remarkable to me given the powers of FTC and the loss of one's reputation for good. Yet folks without required wisdom continue such.
I hear you but the files are 50+ megabytes each so people downloading them will cost me in bandwidth costs here.

As to your larger point, there is no good faith collaboration going on with the couple of people who are objecting to my work, one of whom doesn't have my analyzer anyway. And the other, Jude, he is refusing to share his files with me so right now, I am so unhappy about his unprofessional conduct that I don't want to teach him anymore.

BTW, AP asked me to do the same and I gave him the same answer. I also told them to ask me again in the future and I may change my mind.

For now, if folks doubt the sincerity of my measurements and data, they should just ignore it and not keep grinding on this topic. It is clear the characters involved have motivations to complain way beyond the borders of transparency and accuracy of data.

If you want to advance this conversion, the right approach is to put pressure on Jude to stop using his moderator powers against me on his forum. Encourage him to follow US FTC regulations that require online bloggers to fully express any commercial interest they have in the products they are reviewing. And explain the history and provenance of the devices he is testing. We need to know if these are hand-picked units, and loaned for free. And whether this is a coordinated PR-scheme by Schiit. These are the clouds that need to be lifted. Not constantly questioning me to do more in the presence of so much conflict of interest.

Last but not least, I am spending more time answering these accusations and challenges for doing more work across multiple forums than actually performing tests. Assume my tests can have mistakes and that is fine with me. I like to get back to doing constructive work of reviewing more products. The whiners will continue to whine because my work is threatening their other interests. Or maybe they have a good point in which case, they better couch it with full transparency of their interests as you say. If they lack that and you still listen to them, good luck to you. :)

In an age of free/cheap cloud storage I don't believe that uploading the files is an issue. You can make a free mega account with 50GB storage and upload them to a folder there. Just include a link to that folder in each thread. It even acts as an off site archive that other people can also archive.

The right approach is asking for the most transparency possible from everyone. Jude isn't going to be forthcoming just as he wasn't with the HD800S 2nd order distortion measurements that nobody else could replicate including someone whose job it is to do headphone measurements. Jude isn't going to post anything that would make any sponsor or potential sponsor look bad.

I don't think it should be an issue on this forum to expect honesty and transparency to the highest degree possible.
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Some of the things paid reviewers do:
1. Buy review samples at huge discounts. Enough so that ownership is effectively free.
2. "Evaluate" products on long term loans. Very long term.
3. Have links to Amazon on their page which pay referral fees.
4. Function under the pressure that negative reviews or saying that too many products sound the same will cut off the supply of review samples.
BTW, AP asked me to do the same and I gave him the same answer. I also told them to ask me again in the future and I may change my mind.
Just to clarify this, you refused to give Audio Precision a copy of your project files when they asked for them?
Just to clarify this, you refused to give Audio Precision a copy of your project files when they asked for them?
No. I told them that I was still working on getting my APx555 to provide similar measurements to my 2522. They asked when I am done if I will put them in the open and I said right this minute, I had a bad taste in my mouth so I was not in a mood to share them with the others. But that they should ask me in a bit and I may change my mind.

I have explained to them fully what I am doing right now, not withholding anything. I am happy to share my work with AP. Question was sharing them with the world as asked here.
IMHO, the ball is in the HF park. Amir has already done his part.

For years HF posted many reviews without measurements (e.g. video reviews by Jude; reviews by a handful of HF senior members and admins; and others). Why should Amir now be put on the spot to upload his project files? This Schiit thing must be touching some HF nerve :)

Amir’s case reminds me of NwAvGuy being banned at HF also (2011).
For those who don’t know about the NwAvGuy, here is the link to his blog:
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Amir’s case reminds me of NwAvGuy being banned at HF also (2011).
Well, Jude keeps accusing me of being NWAVGUY!

amirm, at this point, I'm strongly inclined to agree with Currawong -- I feel very confident that I'm once again dealing with nwavguy. Welcome...back?

It shows such incredible lack of common sense and low technical knowledge to confuse the two of us. Just because two technical people from very different backgrounds find issues with Schiit products, doesn't make us the same. But rather, points to issues with Schiit products that he needs to realize and not try to defend.
I watched the video of the Schiity headphone amps. Holy smokes...

I am NWAVGUY, it can't be Amir, LOL. The interesting thing about NWAVGUY is he was a myth buster.
What about the same camper van???????
I measured amirs camper van and it’s definitely a van with beds ( tin can with sleeping bags)... even he admits this now....

Does nwavguy share amirs delusions of grandeur regarding mobile homes? If so then I say (hey) Jude was right all along....
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