Deep breaths Newman. You’re going to have to put up with a Genuine Menace for quite a while
How would this work precisely? You have posted all sorts of references to scientific literature including, of course, lots of Toole’s work, and you have included your own interpretations and opinions.
Can you tell us specifically what direct scientific expertise you have in psychoacoustics, etc., in order to comment?
Can you put this in your signature so we know you are a proper expert? If you are an expert in the relevant areas, is there a reason you don’t have an “ expert” badge here?
Your proposal that folks like me can present expert comment but refrain from comment or interpretation seems a tad convenient, coming shortly after I have
Shown several times your own interpretations of Toole to be incorrect.
Here is how discussion or debate actually works: if someone writes something unreasonable or factually incorrect, the intellectually honest response is to rebut what they have said with a better argument or correcting the facts. That’s how everybody learns, including onlookers.
The wrong way to engage (bad faith) is to reply with what amounts to
“ shut up, he’s an expert and you are not” (“and by the way, my own interpretation of that experts work is correct, and you have no standing to disagree with my own interpretation”).
That is a type of fallacious argument from authority that you seem unfortunately prone to.
By all means, if I write something unreasonable or factually incorrect, then address those points, rather than do a fallacious appeal to authority.
If you’d like, Here’s another chance because…horrors!…
Here goes the great menace again, daring to Discuss a quote from an expert..