As there seems to be no valid explanation for why a company won't provide spins for their, speakers
Cost perhaps for some smaller companies, )who also feel their design methods are valid anyway?)
Existing anechoic chambers for some companies?
it feels pretty safe to skip those products altogether.
Yes, that is a reasonable and easy way towards winnowing out loudspeaker candidates, then I’m sure works well for many people here.
Unless of course one doesn't believe that good speakers have good measurements.
Well, I guess on ASR it would be sort of tautological to say that good speakers have good measurements, especially as there is a particular criteria accepted for what defines “ good measurements.”
In this sense to me, it’s obvious good speakers have good measurements, and I’ve yet to hear speaker that measures well (in the ASR criteria) that doesn’t sound good. So I do think that brings in a good level of predictability.
Beyond that, I suppose we can ask how wide the criteria can be for a “ good sounding” speaker. Might someone still quite like, or even possibly prefer, a loudspeaker that doesn’t measure for instance exactly like a Revel?
For instance, the Joseph Audio Perspective 2 speakers I own
Seem to measure fairly well in various respects
Not as textbook as a Revel or Neumann. There’s a little rise in the highs starting at around 5K, through which smooth out on the inroom stereophile measurements. I have very sensitive ears and don’t do well with bright sounding speakers, so I might initially have looked at those measurements and wondered if that would be a problem.
But it certainly hasn’t been. I have found the speakers to strike an amazing balance of sounding very even for the most part, with life-like airy highs that are incredibly smooth and easy on the ears. I’ve been been able to crank these speakers louder than any speaker I’ve ever owned Without without them sounding bright and bothering my ears (visiting audio buddies have remarked exactly the same thing, how smooth and easy they are to listen to at any volume).
I’ve dialled them into my liking, including controlling reflections, so I don’t know how exactly they are measuring in my room at the listening position. But I just have to myself and I am extraordinarily pleased with the presentation.
(I don’t seem to be alone in liking the brand: Joseph audio receives probably the most consistent high reviews from audio shows than any brand I’ve seen - even at shows where most people are complaining about the bad sound in other rooms. So I suspect the design is doing some fundamental things, right).
So I guess I’m getting it what type of variations one would consider acceptable within the “ good measuring” parameters.