Major Contributor
Which Devialet Expert do you have? There's a range of them. Also, because they are quite heavily software controlled, it's just possible that a firmware update may have helped with the problem that Amir and John Atkinson both noted.For the moment I drive my Confidence C2 signature with my Devialet. Do not know how difficult they are but they need a lot of power/current to open up. My old Primare I32 did not manage that.
What I know I never stated anything about different DAC sounds?? I have limited experience as I mainly run analog records. I only said headphone amps can, according to me, sound and work differently.
I am no expert!! My records of building and modifying amps and TV sets goes a long time back about 50 years or so to the time of my studies at Chalmers University of technology/ Electronics. The first amp I build was tube amplifier and it became a real disaster. At that time amplifier circuits were quite simple and it was easy to get hold of a circuit diagram and make calculations and change components. Amplifiers I studied at that time were NAD, Tandberg, Braun, Kenwood (?), Philips, Audio Pro . I must admit I have forgotten details about the feedback changes on a Japanese amplifier I made. It was done in 1975. Today Everything is so much more complicated and modifications/reparations are impossible for me. Its the same with electronics in modern cars
Needing more power to "open up" is another of those tropes that goes the rounds and is too vague a description to understand what is going on. And it's not unusual to hear someone say "it needed more power to open up" when the replacement app ls actually far less powerful... but there are reasons why an apparently less powerful amp delivers more power in practice, like gain.
Just like amps and speakers, headphone amps and headphones have to match up to work. I think we've had cases where people have claimed that a pair of speakers or headphones is "more revealing" because they are harder to drive... so of course a less powerful amp is considered "inferior", when with different "less revealing" speakers or headphones are easier to drive, the inferior app sounds the same. Think about it...
I wouldn't remember much that I did in 1975 either. No worries there!