I think it would simplify and clarify our discussion, if we could agree what the various testing methods actually mean:
A properly executed blind test with one listener reveals listeners opinions regarding the tested sound reasonably reliably, as other factors that could affect his opinions are carefully controlled.
Similarly executed tests with a larger group of participating listeners reveal reasonably reliably something about peoples preferences generally speaking.
Properly executed measurements with high quality instruments like APX 555 and Klippel reveal reliably how the the tested piece of equipment performed in the used test cases.
If I like A better than B in a properly controlled blind test, and buy A for myself, does that mean that A is categorically better than B ?
If then properly controlled blind tests by large group of people show that a clear majority of people prefer B over A, does that mean that my choice was a wrong one ?
If then properly executed measurements show that B performed better than A in most tested areas, should I lower my head in shame and quietly get rid of A ?
A properly executed blind test with one listener reveals listeners opinions regarding the tested sound reasonably reliably, as other factors that could affect his opinions are carefully controlled.
Similarly executed tests with a larger group of participating listeners reveal reasonably reliably something about peoples preferences generally speaking.
Properly executed measurements with high quality instruments like APX 555 and Klippel reveal reliably how the the tested piece of equipment performed in the used test cases.
If I like A better than B in a properly controlled blind test, and buy A for myself, does that mean that A is categorically better than B ?
If then properly controlled blind tests by large group of people show that a clear majority of people prefer B over A, does that mean that my choice was a wrong one ?
If then properly executed measurements show that B performed better than A in most tested areas, should I lower my head in shame and quietly get rid of A ?