Some stuff I recently got on Aliexpress just to change it up. Amazon is full retail right now after the Prime sale got finished. Every retailer adjusted their prices back up that night if you check on Google Shopping. Good deals on stuff are going to harder to find until the holiday season starts.
Here's what came in this week that was a good deal.
USB voltage meter $1.99 with the phone app when it prompts for that sale. I haven't calibrated it yet, but it works. Will check it on some things later.
Audio Technical ADH 700/900/1000 pads for $5.59 and some small discounts too. These are a win, thicker than stock pads, but they're not angled. The material feels just the same as the cloth that comes original. If your ear is touching the drivers on your A-T headphones, this will cure it. A-T has the original pads for $11 each (they're separate part numbers) and I think it was $12 shipping when I got the last set from them).
Bluetooth 5.1 adapter $1.99 using the phone app sale they offer at startup. This I've used on a lot of things, good range and no breakups or other problems with headphones, DACs, and a clock radio I use it with. It'll reach downstairs in a townhouse without a problem. Windows 11 found it and so did Linux Mint without any fuss.
These two I have on the way, so can't comment on them yet. Prices are good considering Prime day has wrapped up. Heard enough trusted reviews go over them that they're worth checking. Current favorites they'll have to beat are:
Truthear Zero Blue (red is better for gaming with less bass distortion, blue for music with it's vocal presence IMHO).
Seeaudio Yume II (all around for me, cannot find a fault at the price range, comfy too, no hard edges)
Sennheiser IE600 Worth it on a big sale, but for full retail you're better off getting 3-4 good ones in a collection.
Kinera Idun Golden ( 2.0 ) $135 + 5% off also
Yincrow Calf ear buds $57 with $2 store coupon