Excellent, yes thank you!I am not sure if this is what you want to see, but I went back to my graphs inventory and put those "stock baseline runs", assuming you meant the as found post calibration runs with no manual tweaks and I limit the range to 500 Hz as requested.
So the orange curve is totally uncorrected (AUDY OFF) right?
Interesting that above 150hz they are all mostly untouched?
I'd have to give the ARC a failing grade in this compare.
I see from about 35 to 150 the Audyssey is about the flattest of all ignoring the deep 50z null no one is dealing well (expected)
And the 2 Dirac's winning the below 50hz, your sub range I guess, with the DL winning until we get to below 20hz where it surprising
loses all control? and DLBC does well.
Good stuff @peng , thanks again.