Hi, I've read the 34 pages of this thread (my mother tongue = french). Interesting. I always had "HT" with amplified speakers, and then only a preamplifier. Firstable with B&O, then I switched to Emotiva UMC-200, and now Emotiva XMC-2. The upgrade was boring, slow and buggy. At least with the last firmware this is now stable. But... for me, the most important was Dirac LE, included in the Emotiva price. I have a large living room, with heavy sofa and one wall of books (library), the opposite side with acoustic curtains. And a large and thick wool carpet...

but the floor remain tile, and the ceiling is concrete...

Is that not a dream for Dirac...? The last results in fall 2022 with my UMIK-1 were absolutely amazing. I customised my Harman target curve. I now can listen music in 2.1 (with CD's or Qobuz in HR) or watch movies in 7.1.4, and the results are always very impressive, natural. I'm happy and I have ceased the graal's quest...
Today Emotiva do not deliver the DLBC they had promised with their XMC-2. The brand Emotiva doesn't exist on the Dirac website... I will not go for another 2 years Emotiva purgatory!
As a Dirac-fan, I'm very interested by the integration of DLBC and A.R.T....! I'm now looking at this nice AV10. The measurements of Amir are pretty good! I have a little fear: I would be pleased if I could be sure that the sound quality of this AV 10 is as good or better than my XMC-2... TBO I'm sure that the real sound quality of the XMC-2 is equal as the RMC-1 measurements on ASR is... The bad score 85 of the XMC-2 is on my humble opinion irrelevant (probably an erratic measurements or due to a software problem). Well even with the comparison AV10 v/ RMC-1, I should have no fear? Switching will be OK? I'm asking also because in Switzerland we do not have 15 days withdrawal delay

Emotiva fan's claims that Emo components in the RMC/XMC are SOTA... what do you think about it?
On the other hand, this AV10 offers HEOS, this will be an advantage for me

I'll hear the morning news in the bathroom, the kitchen, etc... And for me the P/Q go the AV10 is nice, almost as good as Emotiva. Which is not the same for Storm or Trinnov....
Sorry, I was long... Tx for any comments!