An Interlude/Intermezzo on the Thread:
Robin L and friends,
The title of the CD
"Rolf Lislevand (lutenist): La Belle Homicide - Manuscript Barbe: NAIVE - ASTREE E8880" also reminds me the life and art of
Carlo Gesualdo and
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.
Throughout the long history of music,
Gesualdo is/was an impregnable solitude high summit and/or the deepest darkest cul-de-sac; no such inspiring and impressive music before and after him.
I have many LPs and CDs of the really unique music written by
Gesualdo, of course including the album "
Tenebre" performed by
The Hilliard Ensemble;
as well as the complete recordings of his
Six Books of Madrigals, and so on.
The stunning recordings of the unique music by
Gesualdo, however, are out of the scope of this thread, though...
(I just hesitate, therefore, to paste many impressive YouTube video links of music by
Gesualdo in this thread.)
I have acctually considerd starting a new thread entitled
"Music by Calro Gesualdo: Stunning Recordings Inspiring Us", but abandoned since it should not be suitable/acceptable in this ASR Forum. I may start that thread in other appropriate forum on early music.