I have tested Sabaj a30a and loxjie A40 head to head. Sabaj sounded a little bit better but I had to really really pause and play the exact same short samples of music several times in a row to actually hear and name the difference. Ie the vocals on Sabaj sounded a little bit more natural. Overall you can hear the difference but for twice the price, for me it isn't worth it yet, especially that I usually don't listen on high volume levels.
Comparing loxjie A40 to loxjie A30 it is completely different sound. Speed and precision of bass, space and depth - this upgrade is worth a penny.
After having loxjie a30 for two years I have sold it and tested, smsl al200, smsl ao300, sabaj a30a and finally loxjie A40 and I am keeping the last one.
Speakers: bookshelf elac carina.
Comparing loxjie A40 to loxjie A30 it is completely different sound. Speed and precision of bass, space and depth - this upgrade is worth a penny.
After having loxjie a30 for two years I have sold it and tested, smsl al200, smsl ao300, sabaj a30a and finally loxjie A40 and I am keeping the last one.
Speakers: bookshelf elac carina.