4. PORTABLE (ACTIVE) SPEAKERSEvery type of transducer (in this case, speaker, IEM, headphone, etc) will have its own advantages and caveats. Therefore I propose that you divide your budget to provide multiple monitoring setups, that fit into your lifestyle. You may not need to buy some of these things, if you already have them.
1. At least 1 IEM listening device, with good fitting ear tips. Probably as many as 2, cos they are not expensive in today's world, if we choose carefully.
2. At least 1 over the ear headphone.
3. One pair of studio speakers. This will be used from the location where you spend the most time. It is not intended to be a "portable speaker" system.
4. This is optional - only you can decide if you need this or not. A portable set of speakers.
5. When mixing on IEM's or headphones, I would suggest some kind of monitoring suite of software that may assist you with delivering an optimal "image" of the mix on headphones, to overcome some of the inherent issues with mixing on headphones.
I'll start with the possibly portable speakers, this category is optional. Here are a few possibilities, to choose from if you decide this is important to you.
1. IK- Multimedia - iLoud Micro Monitor Pro - two small speakers + measurement software + measurement microphone. They sell a bag that is an accessory for the two speakers, so you can carry them with you easily.
2. IK-Multimedia - ILoud Micro Monitor (pair) - two small speakers, these look like they are even smaller than item 1 above, and less expensive, but they do not come with any microphone. IT's possible to purchase the measurement microphone and software, as an add on - i.e the ARC 4 bundle (software and measurement microphone)
3. IK Multimedia - iLoud MTM MK 2. (pair) - two small speakers + measurement software + measurement microphone. this is the more expensive larger speaker - not exactly portable, in my opinion, but listed here for completeness.
4. Adam D3V.
5. Kali - IN-UNF - only you can decide if this is portable or not, for you.