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Looking for an analog first preamp and an active crossover solution


Dec 15, 2024
I had some havoc mess up a good thing. Not particularly recent, but recently trying to resurrect my previous system. I am a bit new to this forum, but far from new to audio forums in general. Trying to keep this brief. Here is my previous setup to make it clear what I am asking.

Current/pre-havoc setup:
  • PS Audio DirectStream Dac with Bridge II: (Minor damage on one of the RCA out of my PSAudio DirectStream DAC II w/bridge, I use XLR outs typically, but like to fix soon. Working fine)
  • Anthem AVM-60: seemed to have taken the brunt of the relocation, it turns on and works sometimes, sometimes doesn't. Plan to inquire about repair.
  • Crown DCi 4|600n: I no longer have the remote location for the amp I used to use. Fans way too loud, hence the post.
  • JBL M2s: some minor cosmetic touches except for the center, which needs rebuild. [had 3 with acoustic screen]
I am going back to stereo and I would like to replace the function, so I can use my own amps (Hypex likely):
  1. AVM-60's preamp functions (XLR & RCA ins/ XLR outs; input selection; remote volume)
  2. The Crown's DSP and XO ability
Not looking for a one-box solution, but open to it. I am not sure which BSS option would do it or mini-DSP has risen to the task. I would also like to know a good balanced analog preamp (Topping Pre90 doesn't seem to be able to choose inputs; I have a TT setup as well).

P.S.S. even when I had HT setup with all the whiz bangs, I rarely used it except when listening to concert blu-rays. I go to a lot of live shows a year; like 30/year average for the last 20 years; my hearing isn't as sublime anymore, even though I wear ear protection.
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Also, I would seriously favor a high performing phono section for HOMC carts over a built-in DAC for the preamp. I have a DAC/Streamer I love and use, but might downgrade my TT setup which is way too much for my use.
OK, so Eversolo DMP-A8 is $2800 CAD it is absolutely out of the question/running. [I don't want to spend that $$ toward a DAC/Streamer when I already have one and not accomplish what I am trying to replace-- the active crossover].
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What about a Wiim Ultra? It has a fine preamp but is filled to the brim with other features you want, and it's less than $400. Alternatively, you could also get a Cosmos APU just to amplify the phono signal and use whatever ADC setup you want.
What about a Wiim Ultra? It has a fine preamp but is filled to the brim with other features you want, and it's less than $400. Alternatively, you could also get a Cosmos APU just to amplify the phono signal and use whatever ADC setup you want.
So I have the DAC/Streamer handled. I am looking for an Analog preamp and DSP/XO replacement. +1 for Phono section, but not required.

I have way more questions on the DSP/XO side than the preamp, but I am including the full story in case it helps.
Welcome to ASR.

What budget? The NAD is a do everything in one box solution except for power amp. Which is a good place to separate things in my mind. It is expensive however. at $5500. Good phono including MC and MM, good streaming, Dirac built in for EQ/DSP, sub outs, good preamp function.

Oops, looking at a later post I guess $5500 is out of the question and you are in Canada.
The price isn't set, but the problem is it has to have (the one or two box solution) ability to do digital XO (biamp + subs), mean I am using 4 channels for two speakers, plus the sub outputs. The previous suggestion for preamp didn't have the requirements, had tons I don't need and a price non-congruent.

I need a preamp + DSP + active crossover (XO) to replace what I am after.

An idea of what I am looking at for solution (1+2):
  1. Parasound JC2 or perhaps P6 depending on performance.
  2. BSS BLU-160/800 but what configuration?
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I would use a Cambridge Duo and a MiniDSP Flex, the combo of both does all you need in very high (tested) quality. The Cambridge is one of the better analog phono stages measured, and the Flex is not only a DSP/crossover and dac, but also functions as preamp with an analog in for your vinyl with a volume knob and a remote even. I use a similar combo (the Cambridge is the CP2, the direct ancestor of the Duo) and it works flawless and in very high quality.

Edit: i see you need 6channels of dsp, so use the Flex HT or flex8 with a phono stage like the Parks Waxwing, that is digital, but measured transparent. The 8 channel dsp of MiniDSP does not have an analog in, but like that you still can connect the turntable. It will still be a lot better than what you had in mind.

BSS is more direct to pro audio, not hifi. It can be used for it, but it's options are not tuned for it, and it is not higher quality than a MiniDSP Flex that is full transparent. It's also cooled with very noisy fans and really need a machine room to be usable (like most studio's have) for hifi, while the Flex does not need that. You will need to make the crossover yourself with the flex (but it's not that dificult) but you can use DIRAC room correction and so.
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You can go for a MiniDSP Flex for DSP, crossover, and preamp functions. Pair it with a Cambridge Duo phono stage for great sound. It's a flexible, high-quality solution that should meet your needs.
Ok, so the MiniDSP Flex Balanced might work, but I am not loving the headphone style connectors, which requires me to spend more money on getting different cables/or reterminating my existing cables. No additional outputs for subs. It may be aesthetic but doesn't feel like hi-end audio to me, even if it performs well.

Edit, the MiniDSP Flex HTX seems like the best choice for my needs, but still not loving the headphone connectors. Not the end of the world I guess.

Let's say budget is ~$3K USD for the DSP/XO+Pre portion. [I poo-poo'ed the Eversolo and NAD suggestions because it didn't accomplish my goals (XO is required) and the bulk of the $$ went to the streaming side which I already have covered]. I once had a DEQX HDP-4, which ticks all the boxes ( 3 way XO, preamp, multiple inputs RCA & XLR and digital) but I am not thrilled with the FIR proprietary DSP software. Not sure I could mimic the XO in the Crown.

[Let's forget phono for the moment, as I have a fairly high end multi-box tube phono. I was only including that idea as I may "downgrade" for simplicity and practicality]
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What you are looking for is tricky if you want to keep your existing equipment: DSP is in the digital domain and most examples (that I'm aware of) include a DAC which would be redundant. Your DAC and Streamer are combined (my assumption) so you can't add DSP between your source and DAC.

I'd be tempted to bite the bullet and redesign from scratch; streamer / DSP / DAC / pre-amp that integrates analogue in

With the re-sale of your existing equipment, the Eversolo DMP-A8 makes good sense in that case ... it does everything you are looking for.
... edit ... I realise that you need a more complex XO - biamp + subs - than the Eversolo can manage. Sctatch that as a suggestion, but the principle stands

Start from a blank sheet of paper, see where that takes you
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The Eversolo doesn't do the active crossover, that is my #1 priority, so it doesn't do everything I am looking for. I said DSP, not for room correction but for active speaker crossover design.

For more clarification, why I like the PS Audio Directstream DAC is that I plug in an Ethernet cable into the DAC and I stream from my massive NAS I have in another room and I use a tablet or my phone to navigate. I may be mistaken but most streamers still require a computer as they have USB input, not Ethernet input. I don't want a computer in my living room.
The Eversolo doesn't do the active crossover, that is my #1 priority, so it doesn't do everything I am looking for. I said DSP, not for room correction but for active speaker crossover design.

For more clarification, why I like the PS Audio Directstream DAC is that I plug in an Ethernet cable into the DAC and I stream from my massive NAS I have in another room and I use a tablet or my phone to navigate. I may be mistaken but most streamers still require a computer as they have USB input, not Ethernet input. I don't want a computer in my living room.
There may be a few things that aren't clear to you.
With an active crossover, you basically have two options, analog or digital.
In both cases, you need a separate amplifier for each chassis (regardless of whether it consists of mono, stereo or multi-channel amplifiers).

With an analog active crossover, you can use your existing DAC and then connect the analog active crossovers and amplifiers.

With the more sensible digital solution, it would be absolutely pointless to use your existing DAC, as it makes no sense to convert the signal several times from analog to digital (or vice versa) one after the other.

Addendum Streamer
I don't actually know of any streamers that require a computer, that would be pointless. Streamers are usually devices that play music via WLAN/Ethernet from a NAS, computer, hard drive, memory card/stick or from the Internet. Some of these devices also have USB ports.
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The MiniDSP SHD series doesn't, they can use roon or volumio as player, both managable with a phone or tablet. But it does not have enough channels out. What i would do is get a Wiim Mini (or other Wiim) and connect it digital out to a MiniDSP with enough channels.

MiniDSP usess trs jack out to save space, but the signal is the same like with xlr, and both are used as balanced connectors. The only DSP that i know that have simiilar quality and full XLR out are the (Labgruppen) Lake LMX processors. But the one you would noeed, the LMX48 is like 4K€, It's fully balanced, with AES and Dante i/o and 4x8 analog xlr output.
But this does not have consumer digital input formats like SP/DIF (coax or optical) or USB, it only works with pro audio formats. MiniDSP flex is about as good as it gets on consumer level.
There may be a few things that aren't clear to you.
With an active crossover, you basically have two options, analog or digital.
In both cases, you need a separate amplifier for each chassis (regardless of whether it consists of mono, stereo or multi-channel amplifiers).

With an analog active crossover, you can use your existing DAC and then connect the analog active crossovers and amplifiers.

With the more sensible digital solution, it would be absolutely pointless to use your existing DAC, as it makes no sense to convert the signal several times from analog to digital (or vice versa) one after the other.

Yeah, I totally get this. My current amp is a 4 channel amp with the XO & EQ built-in. I am trying to replace that XO & EQ in the Crown so I can replace it with a 4 channel Hypex based amp to rid the fans. I also would like to replace my AVM pre/pro. I think I might not have communicated what I was after very well. I edited the thread title to hopefully be more clear.
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Yeah, I totally get this. My current amp is a 4 channel amp with the XO & EQ built-in. I am trying to replace that XO & EQ in the Crown so I can replace it with a 4 channel Hypex based amp to rid the fans. I also would like to replace my AVM pre/pro. I think I might not have communicated what I was after very well.
But you mentioned very often that you want to keep your DAC, which, as I said, makes no sense at all if you are going to use digital active crossovers or a DSP afterwards. This DAC would then just be a big waste of money with no benefit.
That was because folks kept suggesting a DAC/Streamer instead of an active crossover. My current DAC's streamer is more convenient the way I use it than some of the suggestions. Whether I keep my current dac is up for debate, but first I must figure out a way to do the crossover that the JBL M2s require. The MiniDSP seems like the only choice (apart from the Lake or BSS).
That was because folks kept suggesting a DAC/Streamer instead of an active crossover. My current DAC's streamer is more convenient the way I use it than some of the suggestions. Whether I keep my current dac is up for debate, but first I must figure out a way to do the crossover that the JBL M2s require. The MiniDSP seems like the only choice (apart from the Lake or BSS).
By no means the only one.
Another and much more powerful solution is to use something like Acourate or something similar. There are a few threads here about such solutions.
Multi-Channel, Multi-Amplifier Audio System Using Software Crossover and Multichannel-DAC
Acourate on ASR
That was because folks kept suggesting a DAC/Streamer instead of an active crossover. My current DAC's streamer is more convenient the way I use it than some of the suggestions. Whether I keep my current dac is up for debate, but first I must figure out a way to do the crossover that the JBL M2s require. The MiniDSP seems like the only choice (apart from the Lake or BSS).
Completely forgotten, the t.racks DSP 4x4 Mini Pro with balanced analog inputs and outputs. Probably one of the cheapest solutions for active speakers.
With 1 unit per side you can control speakers with up to 4 channels and it can be integrated into your existing system.
At € 320 for 2 units and 8 channels it's hard to beat.
the t.racks DSP 4x4 Mini Pro
Making a list of options to consider.

Xillica XP series
MiniDSP Flex HTX
t.racks DSP 4x4 Mini Pro (don't think it is powerful enough to do the M2's filters)
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