Hi all,
First of all, love the website. The reviews are amazing and very informative.
I apologize in advance if this question has been answered elsewhere (I did look!). I am upgrading my desktop setup, having just purchased a set of Hifiman Sundaras. I have an opportunity to purchase either a Topping A90 (not the D) or a Topping L70 for about the same price ($350). I will output USB from my PC and use the balanced interconnects and a Hart Audio balanced cable for the Sundaras.
There are obvious differences in form factor, display and controls (to my mind, advantage L70, though others may differ), number of gain settings (3 versus 2, advantage A90 (but relevant?)), 12v trigger (advantage L70). From looking at the performance numbers, I "think" the A90 has a slight advantage in power and performance, though perhaps well outside of the realm of being noticeable. I also think that the A90 has already deprecated, so if I decide to sell it on later I'm likely to take a smaller loss than on the L70, though that's a minor point. Perhaps the determining factor is that an E70 DAC is well within my budget, while a D90 is a stretch. So I'd have a nicely matched stack on my desk if I go L70+E70. On the other hand, it seems like the A90 is more than enough amplifier for whatever the future may bring, though perhaps the L70 is too.
If anyone has any thoughts on whether or not there's a clear reason one of these choices is better than the other, I would very much appreciate your sharing. I'm just not technically savvy enough to pore over Amir's great charts and graphs and notice if there's a relevant difference (thank you so much for the helpful captions, Amir, they make a real difference for me).
I understand these are both amazing amps, I just don't want to overlook something and wish I'd made a different choice in a few months.
And again, apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere. Really appreciate it.
First of all, love the website. The reviews are amazing and very informative.
I apologize in advance if this question has been answered elsewhere (I did look!). I am upgrading my desktop setup, having just purchased a set of Hifiman Sundaras. I have an opportunity to purchase either a Topping A90 (not the D) or a Topping L70 for about the same price ($350). I will output USB from my PC and use the balanced interconnects and a Hart Audio balanced cable for the Sundaras.
There are obvious differences in form factor, display and controls (to my mind, advantage L70, though others may differ), number of gain settings (3 versus 2, advantage A90 (but relevant?)), 12v trigger (advantage L70). From looking at the performance numbers, I "think" the A90 has a slight advantage in power and performance, though perhaps well outside of the realm of being noticeable. I also think that the A90 has already deprecated, so if I decide to sell it on later I'm likely to take a smaller loss than on the L70, though that's a minor point. Perhaps the determining factor is that an E70 DAC is well within my budget, while a D90 is a stretch. So I'd have a nicely matched stack on my desk if I go L70+E70. On the other hand, it seems like the A90 is more than enough amplifier for whatever the future may bring, though perhaps the L70 is too.
If anyone has any thoughts on whether or not there's a clear reason one of these choices is better than the other, I would very much appreciate your sharing. I'm just not technically savvy enough to pore over Amir's great charts and graphs and notice if there's a relevant difference (thank you so much for the helpful captions, Amir, they make a real difference for me).
I understand these are both amazing amps, I just don't want to overlook something and wish I'd made a different choice in a few months.
And again, apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere. Really appreciate it.