I have been living for two and a half months with a pair of these KRK Rokit 5s for casual listening at home (together with a KRK S8.4 sub) of my eclectic CD collection (courtesy of Marantz CD6007, Schiit Sys, and some Sommer Cables). They are not my only stereo system, for streaming I have another completely independent system.
I could write long about them, but one thing that stands apart for me: They are dead silent up to moderate listening levels. Absolutely no perceptible noise/distortions some associate with D-Class amps. Especially when listening to classical music, one can also easily hear that hiss is almost not to be heard at all. Only when I bring my ear to less than 0.5 m from tweeter, I can tell that they are powered on, but even that only during nights or weekends when my apartment gets very quiet (I live in a high rise CBD that is a ghost town outside of office hours). I guess that the glowing logo is more than marketing trick for these boxes: It tells you that the if speakers are off, in stand-by, or on. Based solely on the amp/driver noises, it is almost impossible to tell.
On top of that, mine are: "White noise limited edition", which makes them IMO look less like an entry level studio monitors, and more like a pair of proper hi-fi speakers, perhaps even 2-3 times the price. Good thing is that they also used appropriate back panel, instead of screwing in the same black coloured panel from black version. The only thing that gives them out - there are no "Left" and "Right" speakers like with hi-fi (and even some studio monitors), but rather both boxes have KRK logo to the left, when looked at from front.
If I would try to find something to complain about, that would be only that the front removable baffle seems to have slightly uneven gaps, but that is only in very small amount and the baffle itself is tightly fixed to the bow. I believe the problem is less visible on standard black edition, and all together not unexpected in this price range. If I were someone recording professional, or someone who likes to mess with sound, I would also have a problem with lack of proper parametric EQ, but I am not and these speakers are a bargain for how they sound and function.
To cut it short, I like very much how they sound (even without a sub), I like how they look and how little I had to pay to get my hands on them. They are fun for casual listening of wide range of music (lively but controlled, yet not too "clinical" and some jazz CDs I own even sound warm). If I had to work professionally with sound, I would probably get something with higher specs (primarily higher wattage), proper parametric EQ and digital inputs (for example Adam S2V), but for enjoying music at home - these little KRKs are great. I would rate my user satisfaction with 4.5 (out of 5 stars).