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- Oct 21, 2020
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Hi Gang,
Long time lurker here. Have learned a lot. Anyhow we are shooting for a Home Theater Sys in our living room.
I will just put information here that I think may be usefull:
Room type: Living room, so not dedicated Cinema room. Also one side wall is missing as that is the kitchen/dining. The Living room is 30m2, if we add the dining to that, it will be another 30m2. So in respect of air volume 60m2, but only half is where the action would be. Hight is 3m.
Display: One 83inch OLed LG, but for when we want to bring out the big guns (pull down the window blinds), then the Epson EH-LS12000B (know in the US as Pro Ciinema LS12000) would take lead with a 160inch automatic screen (5m from projector to screen). The screen is electric and drops in front of the TV.
Goal is 80% movies and 20% music.
Speaker: (fronts are already a given as I got a good deal on a pair of used ones): Polk R700, hence I would stick with this brand, expecially as the furniture is oak, the speakers will match nicely too (other option that I was considering was Monitor Audio Silver 500), I hope the Polk will not dissapoint in comparison.
5.x.4 is my primary intention. x as in Subs is a question or 1 or 2, which I will get to later on. For future, I may be able to move to 7.x.4, but not critical, just to explain the amp choice, but in reality I see minimal change of expanding to that, due to room layout.
Again as we are going Polk, I would stay with the factory set, meaning I would try to get a pair of R200 for rear surround,one R400 for center and 4 pcs of R900 for roof atmose (most exciting part is how I would end up mounting these on the roof). Center will go off brand as the R400 does not have great reviews and also being only a 2 way. A suggestion that I like so far is Wharfedale EVO 4.C
So here some the question.
I dont want to cheap out on that, but also dont want to overshoot, especially with respect of complimenting the rest of the system.
Anyway I have been eyeing the Klipsch RP-1400SW, which at least has some oak brown in them
and so far have not read any bad reviews (unlike the Polk woffers which I heard a lot are dying prematurely). Then I see a very populare options is SVS. With the latter of course the SVS PB-2000, however I wondering that if ultimately I will get Dirac, does the Pro (internal phone gain setting) still make much sense? Wont those two just confuse each other and me especially?
Then another question is should I go 1 or 2, in either case? Yes it is easy to add one later, but I have not idea how much (if at all) better/fuller it will sound if I had two from start. Expecially as this is a standard living room, meaning I cannot add special damping on the wall, but rather it would be as is. I imagine that two playing at lower gain will have less room distortion than just one(?)
Next is the more important question.... Given the above setup, my initial idea was to go X6800H (the Cinema 30 is just so much more expensive, without a clear value advantage). However now I am thinking (expeciall since it is highly unlikely that I would ever go 7.x.4, that I do not need the channels, to save money and go X3800 or X4800 and use the saved money to get a dedicated amp, either for all speaker or for just the two front standing. IE ending up at about same money spent. Wonder which would sound better over all?
What do you think?
Finally some random questions.
1. Does x.x.4 make sense, if I can not really put the rear atmos 1 metter behind the listene, perhaps only 20cm. (this even with moving the sofa a slight bit forward)? Or will that kill the experince, so better to stay with x.x.2?
2. Can I put the atmos on the wall edge, instead of the ciling (easier intallation), but then have the left and right side not example same distance from listener, but then do some correction in the AVR to compensate for this? I imagine this should be possible to correct, otherwise the only people who would enjoy going to cinema are people that sit in the dead center right? I know it wont be prefect, that the question is will it still make sense to it?
I tought I had more questions, but I think that is all that comes to mind now. I will post a drawing aswell as some pictures of the living room to give an idea. All windows have blinds. Also note that the tv,speakers and such all not going to be there, they are not mine. So please ignore them. The project screen will also be a different one (much bigger) than what is intalled now, that is just 100 inch. We would be watching from almost 5m away, so I really want to help increase immersion with the 160inch screen which the Epson will have not problem handling from that distance.
I know it is a long post with a lot of details, so I especially appreciat the folks that spead time chip in and help me out. Ultimatly please consider (with any HW suggestion), that this is EU, so prices are typically higher and we do not have all the same subs as may be commong in US. Thank you
Long time lurker here. Have learned a lot. Anyhow we are shooting for a Home Theater Sys in our living room.
I will just put information here that I think may be usefull:
Room type: Living room, so not dedicated Cinema room. Also one side wall is missing as that is the kitchen/dining. The Living room is 30m2, if we add the dining to that, it will be another 30m2. So in respect of air volume 60m2, but only half is where the action would be. Hight is 3m.
Display: One 83inch OLed LG, but for when we want to bring out the big guns (pull down the window blinds), then the Epson EH-LS12000B (know in the US as Pro Ciinema LS12000) would take lead with a 160inch automatic screen (5m from projector to screen). The screen is electric and drops in front of the TV.
Goal is 80% movies and 20% music.
Speaker: (fronts are already a given as I got a good deal on a pair of used ones): Polk R700, hence I would stick with this brand, expecially as the furniture is oak, the speakers will match nicely too (other option that I was considering was Monitor Audio Silver 500), I hope the Polk will not dissapoint in comparison.
5.x.4 is my primary intention. x as in Subs is a question or 1 or 2, which I will get to later on. For future, I may be able to move to 7.x.4, but not critical, just to explain the amp choice, but in reality I see minimal change of expanding to that, due to room layout.
Again as we are going Polk, I would stay with the factory set, meaning I would try to get a pair of R200 for rear surround,
So here some the question.
I dont want to cheap out on that, but also dont want to overshoot, especially with respect of complimenting the rest of the system.
Anyway I have been eyeing the Klipsch RP-1400SW, which at least has some oak brown in them
Then another question is should I go 1 or 2, in either case? Yes it is easy to add one later, but I have not idea how much (if at all) better/fuller it will sound if I had two from start. Expecially as this is a standard living room, meaning I cannot add special damping on the wall, but rather it would be as is. I imagine that two playing at lower gain will have less room distortion than just one(?)
Next is the more important question.... Given the above setup, my initial idea was to go X6800H (the Cinema 30 is just so much more expensive, without a clear value advantage). However now I am thinking (expeciall since it is highly unlikely that I would ever go 7.x.4, that I do not need the channels, to save money and go X3800 or X4800 and use the saved money to get a dedicated amp, either for all speaker or for just the two front standing. IE ending up at about same money spent. Wonder which would sound better over all?
What do you think?
Finally some random questions.
1. Does x.x.4 make sense, if I can not really put the rear atmos 1 metter behind the listene, perhaps only 20cm. (this even with moving the sofa a slight bit forward)? Or will that kill the experince, so better to stay with x.x.2?
2. Can I put the atmos on the wall edge, instead of the ciling (easier intallation), but then have the left and right side not example same distance from listener, but then do some correction in the AVR to compensate for this? I imagine this should be possible to correct, otherwise the only people who would enjoy going to cinema are people that sit in the dead center right? I know it wont be prefect, that the question is will it still make sense to it?
I tought I had more questions, but I think that is all that comes to mind now. I will post a drawing aswell as some pictures of the living room to give an idea. All windows have blinds. Also note that the tv,speakers and such all not going to be there, they are not mine. So please ignore them. The project screen will also be a different one (much bigger) than what is intalled now, that is just 100 inch. We would be watching from almost 5m away, so I really want to help increase immersion with the 160inch screen which the Epson will have not problem handling from that distance.
I know it is a long post with a lot of details, so I especially appreciat the folks that spead time chip in and help me out. Ultimatly please consider (with any HW suggestion), that this is EU, so prices are typically higher and we do not have all the same subs as may be commong in US. Thank you
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