Hello everyone! I'm currently trying to make some measurements with MA-1 for newly bought KH120 II monitors, but after correction one of my monitors (the left monitor) is for some reason slightly louder than the other, and when I apply the backplate settings everything goes back to the default settings before the correction and the sound is sort of more in the middle and there is no difference in volume.
When I switch the monitors, so that the less loud (left) one is on the right, the sound is louder on the right. The settings on the backplate are equal between them.
My room is 6x3m2 and the distance from my monitors to the walls is currently not equal and there is nothing I can do with it, the room is also slightly treated.
Maybe the room acoustics somehow affect it/I somehow do the measurements with the MA-1 incorrectly or the hardware (monitors themselves, my audio interface/wires) is the problem.
I also attach the screenshots of my audio interface setup and the final measurements from my room
When I switch the monitors, so that the less loud (left) one is on the right, the sound is louder on the right. The settings on the backplate are equal between them.
My room is 6x3m2 and the distance from my monitors to the walls is currently not equal and there is nothing I can do with it, the room is also slightly treated.
Maybe the room acoustics somehow affect it/I somehow do the measurements with the MA-1 incorrectly or the hardware (monitors themselves, my audio interface/wires) is the problem.
I also attach the screenshots of my audio interface setup and the final measurements from my room