permission to ask a dumb question: KC92x2 vs KC62x4?
current system: LS60 and KC62x2.
room: 14ft x 14ft x 9ft, opening on the right side.
pictures of room
current satisfaction with system: very high, favorite system i've ever owned.
why i'm considering more/different subs: more bass volume in the 30hz - 60hz range, specifically for space bass/experimental bass. i don't NEED more, i just think it would be fun.
"well you should consider a Monolith/Rhythmik/<other large 125lb black box>": you are right, and thank you for suggesting the best value for my money, i sincerely appreciate it, but i really love the way KEF looks. i've come to the realization that, similar to how we "eat" food with our eyes before our mouths, i "listen" to music with my eyes before it hits my ears. just looking at my speakers and subs makes me happy. probably more importantly i'm 43 years old and my back kind of sucks, so my days of lugging around 100lb+ subwoofers are over.
"well then KC92 is the obvious choice, Erin's testing shows it is significantly louder than the KC62, especially in the lower bass regions": you are right again, selling the KC62s and buying two KC92s is likely the best move, but I'm considering buying two additional KC62s instead purely because of the way they visually match the LS60s. also white KC62 refurbs are more readily available at A4L, the KC92s sometimes are in stock but not frequently.
got it, what DSP are you using?": no DSP, i'm sorry. i'm not opposed to it i just don't have any. and at least to my ears there really isn't anything missing from this system. i could buy no new subs and be perfectly content, really this is just for fun, but isn't all of this hobby just for fun?
ok then, can you show us some measurements of your in room response?": no i'm sorry, i don't own a measurement mic. i know i need to get one and learn REW, again i'm sorry.
i guess my question is i don't know how to do the decibel math. i know per Erin's comparison of the two subs (well he compared the KC62 to the KF92, which is essentially the same as the KC92) the 92 can be anywhere from 5-7db louder in the 30hz - 60hz range, which is significant. would adding two more KC62s be 5-7db louder in that range?
having four subs would also allow me play with placement, like having a sub in each corner. or i could just stack them (
like in this picture here). I tried it in one corner and seemed to be fine, since the subs don't vibrate i believe it should be stable.
thanks in advance for any replies, happy to hear anyone's opinions, experience, insults, etc.