Many people seem to have a fixation to on-axis dip that most waveguides/horns have. This is strange to me, because this has been a well known phenomenom in hifi for at least 30 years! Elliptic and square horns are a bit easier. KEF uses a special phase plug.
It is audible to humans perhaps only in extreme nearfield, less than 0.5m (2') But these speakers are not meant for desktop-nearfield monitoring!
A closer look in measurements shows that power response is practically a straight descending line and listening window is on par with most conventional domes. Nothing sort of a problem at "normal" listening distance.
Some measurements and info of horns and waveguides
At high frequencies (from 5 to 12 kHz) the diffraction dominates the directivity. The conical waveguide used has a sharp edge at the mouth. The sharp edge can be seen as a impedance discontinuity, which causes diffraction. It is known from the theory that the diffraction can be seen as a new sound source [15]. In the far field, this new source is out of phase with the direct sound at certain frequency. This phenomenon is almost solely an on-axis frequency response problem, because the off-axis responses are fairly unaffected except the 15° response (Figure 11.3). Even then, the directivity problem arises if a flat on-axis response is desired. The wavelength in the diffraction problem frequency range is approximately 7 cm to 3 cm. The distance from the mouth of the waveguide to the tweeter dome is approximately 2,5 cm. The frequency that correspond a half wavelength of this length is 6800 Hz. As can be seen in the model directivity plot, the diffraction problem is not exactly at one frequency as the theory would suggest. Instead it is smeared to frequency range from 5 kHz to 12 kHz. There are two explanations for this. First explanation is related to the model geometry. The dome is not a point source. Therefore the distance from different parts of the dome to the mouth is not constant. Second explanation is that in theory a plane wave pressure field is assumed. In reality the pressure field is more complex (Figure 10.2) and plane wave approximation is not adequate. The shape of the pressure wave is also frequency dependent. Figure 10.2. Sound pressure around the waveguide at 10 kHz. The severity of the diffraction problem is emphasized by the axisymmetry (Figure 10.3) because the distance from the tweeter dome to the edge is equal in all azimuth angles. An asymmetrical waveguide would smear the diffraction problem to a broader frequency range.
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