Sure... hold on to that dream.
Sorry, I AM kidding. You and I have been round this one before. I am still firmly open to all possibilities.
Questioning his methodology is not the same as questioning his integrity.
Sure... hold on to that dream.
Sorry, I AM kidding. You and I have been round this one before. I am still firmly open to all possibilities.
This possibility is very real and the test subject can easily be unaware of it. I participated in a blind comparison where the results were definitely impacted by tone of voice alone.One alternate possible other explanation being if it was single blind and somehow without anyone's knowledge or intent his kids switching cables tipped him off as to which was which.
Agreed 100% and if one is to assume that the results are not correct, I would prefer to consider a flawed test over a dishonest one.Questioning his methodology is not the same as questioning his integrity.
It's possible they changed it every time, rather than not changing it for some... would be easier to pick then. Not saying this was the case necessarily, merely an observation of possibility.his kids switching cables tipped him off as to which was which
Purr1n from SBAF posted a thread about his own blind test process ( https://www.superbestaudiofriends.o...tic-vs-magni-with-statistical-analysis.13192/ ).
From the look of it he attempted to recreate Amir's testing condition, so at least that's something. But unfortunately I don't remember/know every criteria that needs to be met in order to create an ideal blind test so I don't know fully know how great his testing procedure was, it would be great if someone here is knowledgeable enough to give an opinion.
The only few things holding me back to believe his results is that it's all just texts, no videos or anything as evidence, and his attitude toward Amir/ASR at times. But I know just how much of an effort it is to setup the whole thing, than having to record a video and do everything else in a pure scientific, unbiased approach so I can understand the lack of physical evidence. Still, if we want to doubt his result, is having a video of him perfectly passing the test the only way we can doubt the test's legitimacy?
Indeed. What would be mist excellent is that he nailed it and all the other guys were random. Course these would have to be honest. Perhaps rewarded for every correct guess?It's a bit hard to follow the methodology, I'm not sure of the operating conditions. Ideally, there would be many more samples, and potentially others taking part.
This kind of undefined language always makes me skeptical. What does smooth or grainy or jumpy mean? Usually "flatter" refers to frequency response but probably not in this case... He says the highs are jumpy but he doesn't say boosted... And we don't know what's "boring" to him...
- Magni+ was smoother and less grainy. Heretic had grainier jumpier highs. This was the biggest giveaway.
- Heretic was flatter and boring sounding, but not by much. This was the second giveaway.
First thought I had was impedance differences, esp as headphones can be difficult to drive. Know nothing of the products involved, however. But hell yea impedance differences can cause swings of a half decible under reasonable circumstances and the test isn't gamed. Nor have I believed that a decible is the least difference that everyone can resolve. There are golden ears out there, but usually not the ones who believe they are.Assuming the result is legit, that's impressive...
I guess if you can make it audible and zero in on IMD somehow... (how?) then a 9dB difference should be easily detectable. Do we know what the program material was? Maybe two tones at 115dB SPL?
Or perhaps the difference in output impedance had a very strong effect on the headphones he used?
Did he give any subjective notes on what differences were heard?
This kind of undefined language always makes me skeptical. What does smooth or grainy or jumpy mean? Usually "flatter" refers to frequency response but probably not in this case... He says the highs are jumpy but he doesn't say boosted... And we don't know what's "boring" to him...
He used a Fluke 73 III and 1 khz. Should be fine. Even if off at 1 khz it will read the same for both sources.There's no telling what DMM he used- depending on the meter and what frequency was chosen for matching it could lead to inaccuracies (especially if measured at the commonly measured 1 khz, where a lower frequency may need to be used).
There's also no measurements for whichever new device he's purchased for abx testing and how it responds under various loads, nor the DUTs. We are assuming the DUT performance is consistent with manufacturer published results or 3rd party measurements of an identical product, which I think is a fair assumption, but also adds uncertainty via design revisions or simple malfunctioning if he is unable to test them to within spec.
This is not even getting to the actual switching/testing methodology and 'trustability' and so on. I'm not to familiar with all the rivalries going on but it seems from his words he either has it out for Amir specifically or ASR in general, it is plain that there is significant bias here and thus any reasonable person can conclude he has a large incentive to find favourable results, or perhaps even fabricate them if he was of that character. What's more is that, it is not as if Amir has a unique or eclectic view on measurements or audibility, virtually all of Amir's claims are consistent with established science and conventions in audio engineering and other interdisciplinary fields to do with audio, so in essence to contest the audibility of said measurements is to contest over a century of rigour and the logical conclusions of an uncountable number of experts doing experiments in controlled settings. The burden is on the claimant to reproduce their findings with comparable diligence; vague, unorthodox, and informal tests aren't really enough to get anyone excited or questioning long-established conventions even if there is a flicker of a possibility the claims have merit.
I'm sure photographic or preferably unedited video proof would lend at least some credence to his claims to some people. Being able to hear differences as low as -70 to -80 dB down with certain signals/spectral content or certain types of distortions is perhaps plausible and maybe even demonstrable in very specific instances in controlled environments although we are on the absolute tail end of audibility here for the most part with a top percentile listener. But at -100 dB or more? And typical music spectra? At typical listening levels? And in the environment with typical residential noise floor? That will take a lot to prove if these devices and the rest of the chain are in fact performing in spec and don't have anything particularly wrong with them. All of the "obvious" subjective reports/differences made between the trails could easily be found via analysis if they did in fact exist.
Other alternatives than lying, and yet getting an erroneous result. Lying or not lying are not the only options. One alternate possible other explanation being if it was single blind and somehow without anyone's knowledge or intent his kids switching cables tipped him off as to which was which.
I think there has more or less been an open invitation for such a blind test to anyone (or at least a prominent figure/personality) who was keen on trying an objective blind test to prove their claims to do so. The situation with goldensound comes to mind (who also has an AP and contributes subjective opinions to his objective measurements with no rhyme or reason), which never came into fruition even though a large sum was proposed if he could pass it.We should extend an invitation to do it in real time (hell with tape) and livestream it hear on ASR. After we provided the conditions for unassailable results. Hell I'd throw 50 bucks in a communal pot he could collect if he 10/10'ed it. If he loses, he publically retracts his claims based on earlier tests.
This is a good point. Ideally the children flipped a coin or some other randomising approach to decide whether they would change anything or leave alone. There may easily have been a run of 10 tests only using one device!It's possible they changed it every time, rather than not changing it for some... would be easier to pick then. Not saying this was the case necessarily, merely an observation of possibility.
Yes, but did they see each other, or speak to each other. You'd possibly be very surprised how little it takes to unintentionally cue someone. It appears he did try to make it double blind. Like his use of listening material and headphone involved a few more details would have been encouraging.From the link: “Double blind test: I got my kids to change up the wires into the amps headphone output randomly while I wasn't in the room and then I asked them to leave the room in another direction of which I entered the room.”
We don't have to define his descriptions IR to the exact frequencies in question. That's subjective how we would describe the differences we hear. We only need to know if he heard differences, which it seemingly looks like he did.This kind of undefined language always makes me skeptical. What does smooth or grainy or jumpy mean? Usually "flatter" refers to frequency response but probably not in this case... He says the highs are jumpy but he doesn't say boosted... And we don't know what's "boring" to him...
If he says he can hear background hiss, or more hiss, in one of the units, or if he was hearing distortion or weak bass or any real-defined characteristics I'd be more inclined to believe the results are real.
If only he could repeat it in front of the world, simply by making a vid of the entire procedure. If true, I'd kick in toward the $1000 donation. I'm guessing that there are other ASR members that would do the same to have their paradigm shifted by real world scientific method and results.Now... if only he could repeat the test in front of an Amir... how great would that be ?