@Oldson I thought a little more. You could try getting isolated power supply for your USB DAC device and keep using Isolator V1 to have isolated USB path. With this approach RCA isolator will not be needed as DAC will be completely isolated from AC and PC (DAC will only share ground with amplifier on another end of RCA connector) and as a result audio quality will be improved due to absence of RCA isolator on the analog audio path.
have been playing around with my system for the last few hours, since my last post and have made some progress.
my setup is a bit over complicated atm as i have 3 headphone amps temporarily.
so the output from dac (rca not xlr) is taken to an input on my integrated amp.
tape out from there to Schitt Lokius.
output from Lokius to Isomax isolator.
output from Isomax using Y splitter to Midgard and Icon HP8.
loop out from HP8 feeds my 3rd headphone amp , NJC ref amp.
(i do plan to sell one of the SS amps, just trying to decide which one)
anyway, without the isomax, i get a fairly loud hum and hiss. (admittedly at higher vol)
earlier today i read that the isomax "could" cause a loss in sound quality in the lower frequencies.
this is not what i was led to believe when i bought it.
so anyway, earlier i stripped down the complete setup and started again, listening for issues when adding any item.
to my surprise i found the culprit to be a set of chord chrimson interconnects that ive had donkeys years.
basically with just any single amp connected to the dac, i would get an incredible hum as soon as dac was turned off!
tried all my other interconnects in same way and all totally silent.
have set everything back up to enable all 3 amps and lokius and i only get minor noise at very high volumes on the HP8 now.
no isomax in chain now.
i have left the V1 connected for now, may try removing it later to see if anything changes.
i am looking to get a new pc next year and will try to get a fanless one.
will keep the V1 and Isomax in a draw, just in case.
cheers for the advice, btw