Excellent job on the Neutron HiFi V1 Isolator! The next time I'm in the market for another USB isolator I think it'll be at the top of my list.
I had purchased a Topping HS02 last year and while it's been working well I was a bit let down by the rather high isolation capacitance of its Mornsun VRB0505S-5WR3 DC-DC converter compared to other isolators. So I did a quick search on DigiKey to look for a better performing drop-in replacement and found the
RECOM RS3-0505S/H3 which has an isolation capacitance of 30pF (max), isolation voltage of 3kVDC, and output ripple and noise of 50mVp-p (max), compared to 1000pF (typ), 1.5kVDC, and 150mVp-p (max) of the Mornsun.
Installed in the HS02:
View attachment 413537
Unfortunately I don't have the equipment to do any accurate isolation or noise measurements to quantify an improvement. In casual testing, powering a Khadas Tone Board appears to work fine. Of course, it doesn't make sense to buy an HS02, pay an additional ~$21 USD for the RECOM, and then spend the time to do the modification, since the Neutron isolator would be about the same cost with none of the hassle and with lower noise on the output voltage rail.
For those that have an HS02 and want to do the modification: after bending the RECOM's legs downward, the legs are only just long enough to be flush with the bottom of the PCB so it's best to solder it in from the top.