I've got the 308p Mkii, and indeed that has hiss too. It's fine at 2m listening distance for me, and is inaudible at 2m. I can certainly hear it at 1m though. (I'm in my forties and can hear up to 15kHz+, so I think "most" people would hear this hiss at 1m). If you're playing music through it then you won't hear the hiss, but when nothing is playing you'll hear it at 1m, and probably not at 2m.I know that this might have been answered a lot here but how many of you owners listening from about 1-1,5 meter away from the speaker, hear the twitter “hiss” and how annoying might this be?
I want a smal pair of monitors mainly for my SSL2+ interface and sometimes for my RME ADI-2 DAC fs used in another system.
Another option I’m considering are the Adam T5V
The space for the first ssl system is limited … for the second is adequate for 5inch woofer!
Thank you very much!!